Jewelry made from natural materials: beads in eco style. Carnival costumes from scrap materials: a stylish look for pennies How to make a jellyfish costume for the holiday

DIY glowing jellyfish costume

Since the fiber optic glow effect is very exciting, I decided to make a luminous skirt for my friend using RGB LEDs in its creation. It took some time to come up with the design and how to attach the fiber to the LED strip. I finally did it: strands of fiber optic filaments are glued together inside vinyl tubes that are glued to the LED strip. On the back there is a pouch for the battery and microcontroller, which supplies power and data to the LEDs. Since the LEDs are addressable, the skirt can light up in different places with pre-programmed colors and patterns.

This is a rather complex project, so I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the operation of RGB LEDs in advance and learn about the rules for programming the controller using the Arduino IDE program. But don’t worry too much, you don’t need very great soldering skills or great programming knowledge.

Step 1: Materials Required

  • Fiber optic thread 200pcs, 2 m long, 0.05 cm in diameter
  • Addressable LED strip 5V RGB (60pcs/m) with silicone protection
  • Arduino microcontroller
  • Lithium-ion polymer battery or USB battery
  • Transparent vinyl tube, 0.6cm diameter
  • Clear, fast drying epoxy resin or E6000 plastic adhesive
  • Reinforced adhesive tape
  • Heat shrink tube, 1cm diameter
  • Stranded copper cable 22 AWG, 1.5 mm cross-section
  • Thin belt, fabric for a battery bag
  • Various instrument

Step 2: RGB LED Strips

RGB LEDs can light up in different colors because they are addressed separately from each other. Each RGB LED has red, green and blue colors, and is controlled by a tiny chip. Because of the chip, RGB LED is smarter than regular LED. Each LED chip knows its position on the strip and can also control the brightness of red, green and blue individually. In this way, different color patterns can be programmed. For this project, I recommend using LED strips with a density of 60 LEDs per linear meter.

Step 3: Microcontroller

For this project I used the Adafruit FLORA microcontroller. It has a more powerful Atmel Mega microprocessor (32u4) and can be used for complex projects (connecting multiple sensors, microphones, etc.). The board has a USB port and a JST connector for connecting a lithium polymer battery. In addition, there are 14 pins (8 data, 3 GND and 3 power) there is also an on/off function on the board itself.

Step 4: Power Supply

To implement this project, you can use a 2500 mAh lithium polymer battery, which will ensure continuous operation of the LEDs for just over 2 hours. But for safety reasons, I recommend using USB batteries.

Step 5: Preparing the LED Strips

Next you need to cut the strip to the required length. My strip has 60 LEDs per meter. After cutting a piece 70 cm long (this is the diameter of my girlfriend's waist), I was left with 42 LEDs on the strip. Then power and data wires approximately 50cm long are soldered to this section. Bare solder joints are covered with heat-shrink tubing.

Step 6: Preparing Fiber Optic Bundles

Since I wanted the skirt to be about 50cm long, I cut the fiber optic strand three times and got 800 50cm fibers.

Now, small bundles of fibers must be glued to each LED. I used clear vinyl tubes, cut into 3cm lengths, to bundle the fibers. I put about 17 fibers into each tube, passing them through the tube with a release of about 3-4cm. Try to use as many fibers per tube as its diameter allows, this will give a stronger glow effect.

Then you need to glue all the ends of the fibers into a single shank. Apply glue to the ends, and make sure the glue gets evenly between all the fibers. After applying the glue, carefully pull the fibers back into the tube. For this procedure it is best to use E6000 glue

After the glue has dried, use a sharp knife to trim the edge of the tube, about 0.5 cm. Remember, the cleaner the cut, the better the fibers will transmit light. To increase the brightness of the glow, the cut edge should be melted a little using an open fire, but not too much.

Then, to give your skirt volume, you need to straighten each bundle of fibers and fix them in this position with a glue gun.

Step 7: Installing Fiber Optic Bundles on the LEDs

The LED strip has a removable, waterproof silicone protection. To attach the fiber bundle to the top of each LED, you need to make a small holder of sorts using hot glue. Place the fiber optic strands on top of the LEDs and apply some hot glue around - wait for it to dry. Repeat this operation for all other fiber bundles, individually. Then carefully melt the glue to the side and glue 4-5 tubes together - pay close attention to the distance between the vinyl tubes, it should match the distance between the LEDs.

Using reinforced adhesive tape, secure the prepared fiber bundles to the belt. Pass the wires from the outermost LED on the tape through the hole made in the belt and secure it to approximately the middle of the back on the inside of the belt, leave the remaining ends free for connection to the controller.

Step 8: Making the Battery Pocket

For the battery and microcontroller, I sewed a small pocket. If you can't sew, just cut two square pieces of fabric and glue them together. To attach it to the belt, I cut a square with a handle from plastic mesh fabric. The square should be about the same size as the battery pocket. Attach it to the belt where the free wires from the LEDs exit.

I made the belt fastener from regular fabric Velcro 10cm long. For extra security, I added three extra pieces of Velcro across this clasp.

Connect your controller to your computer via USB and use the Arduino IDE to upload the code to the controller. An example of program code can be downloaded here:

Step 10: Connecting the LEDs to the Microcontroller

Solder the +5V wire from the LED strip to the VBAT pin on the microcontroller, the ground wire to GND and the data wire to the pin defined in the LED controller code that you downloaded to the microcontroller. For example, I chose pin No. 6. To prevent the wires from coming off, I glued the controller to a piece of plastic and protected the pins with hot glue. You can also see a push button switch in the left corner - I added this to switch between different LED effects.

Waiting for a holiday is so exciting and magical - it’s like a miracle. And the preparation process allows you to make this time even more intriguing, especially since most interesting ideas are easy to implement even with your own hands. What is needed for this, and how to make a carnival costume from scrap materials?

Where to begin?

Initially, it is important to decide which of the heroes is closest to the child and whose image the child would like to try on for himself. You can buy a ready-made suit or take it as a basis, adding interesting details to the look. The child’s help will also come in handy in this matter - he will express his wishes and ideas.

As practice shows, a homemade suit with your own hands from scrap materials does not have to be expensive - it can be easily made from scrap materials. This work will not take much time, but it is surprisingly interesting and will allow you to have fun with your child. And the finished image will be complemented by beautiful makeup, which will successfully replace any mask.

Tiger Cub

Even the little ones want to be full participants in the holiday. But a costume for a baby should not only be beautiful, but also practical. Do image of Tiger Cub quite easy - you should sew black strips of fabric onto light-colored rompers or overalls. They can also be cut out of paper and then pasted in any order.

Ears are easily attached to a knitted hat, which can be made voluminous using synthetic padding. The long, soft tail should be small in size so that it does not interfere with the baby's crawling or walking.

Medusa Gorgon

This costume is best suited for an event like Halloween, because this mythical heroine is capable of turning everything she looks at into stone. Moreover, it is quite simple to make it. The base is sewn from black fabric - two fabric rectangles are cut out and sewn together. There is only clearance for the head. You can leave Medusa Gorgon costume a loose robe or belt it with a plain ribbon.

The hair is braided into braids, into which thick wire is inserted. With the help of makeup, a frightening appearance is created on the face.

Cowboy and Indian

The basis Cowboy costume - a plaid shirt, a scarf around the neck, a hat and regular jeans. A wide belt that holds the weapon will complete the look. A simple vest is sewn from artificial leather; a regular T-shirt will do as a pattern. You can also attach leather patches to your pants. The image will be complemented by stubble painted using face painting.

An Indian costume made from scrap materials will look great paired with a cowboy. It is easy to make from available options - an old wide T-shirt, belted with a thin braid, is best suited for this purpose. A headband is put on the head, allowing you to pick up the hair - it harmonizes perfectly with the large feathers. Fringe is attached to the shoes, as well as to the sleeve cuffs.

And of course Indian You will need a bow and arrows, because it is impossible to do without good weapons. And if you rehearse the image well, then everyone will be captivated by the chosen outfit.

Plastic bottles

When looking for how to make a costume from scrap materials, you should pay attention to plastic bottles. This is an inexpensive and practical material that can easily be found in any home. To do this, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle - they will decorate the outfit and are suitable for making homemade accessories.


The bottle needs to be cut: first, the neck is cut off, then the bottom - the remaining part is divided into 3 parts. Plastic strips are gathered on a tight cord - they turn into a stylish and charming skirt.

Upper part Mermaid costume easy to make from a regular T-shirt. Bottle bottoms are used to cover it. All that remains is to make a crown, for which the upper part of the product is perfect.

Not only bottles, but also an analogue of a fishing net are well suited for this look. It can be wrapped around the body, creating an imitation of a dress or a mermaid tail.

Flower Princess

To make this costume you will need thick wire - the frame is made from it. Using fabric, a kind of petticoat is created - using fabric. This is where the work ends and all that remains is to show your imagination - the resulting outfit can easily be decorated with any decorative elements.


If girls dream of dresses and beauty, then boys want to be brave heroes, such as Astronaut . You can make a masquerade costume from plastic bottles using scrap materials and for them - it will take less than an hour, and the image will be bright and original. Two bottles are joined together using tape and then painted black, blue or grey. Wide elastic bands are attached to them, thanks to which the product can be worn like a backpack.

Using pieces of fabric in red, yellow and orange shades attached to the neck, an imitation of fire is created.


Not only New Year's costumes are created from scrap materials from plastic bottles, but also stylish, original accessories. For almost any character from fairy tales and cartoons, you can choose stylish details from this simple and cheap material.


Why not come to the autumn festival, in a costume that is made of leaves, which means it is ideal for this celebration. It's quite easy to make - an old dress can easily be transformed into a new one with the help of elements that nature itself gave. It's time to go to the garden, where you can easily find everything you need.

It is enough just to collect a sufficient amount of beautiful opal foliage, alternating red, yellow and even green shades. The leaves are easily glued using double-sided tape or glue.

It is very easy to make a dress voluminous - for this you will need a spray bottle with plain water. A little moisture and after drying the leaves will seem to curl. Or, on the contrary, you can straighten them - a piece of cotton fabric and a hot iron will help you easily cope with this task.

Leaves glued to a dress can very quickly lose all the beauty of their appearance. That is why it is necessary to start creating such an outfit immediately before the matinee - no earlier than 3-4 hours. And most importantly, it is worth regularly refreshing the product with cool water, in a minimal amount, so that the fabric does not become damp.


The bags can be used to make a very simple outfit that will suit the rain look perfectly. For this purpose, you can use ordinary blue bags, which are easy to inflate - you get a lush and spectacular dress. The product can be cut into fringes - and they will add originality to the image.


The dress can be made from newspapers, magazines, colored paper. This is quite easy to do; a regular sheet is folded into a tall cone, which is attached to the skirt. This is a standard option for creating a dress, which is similar to making an outfit from leaves or other scrap materials.


A few boxes attached to the main costume make it easy to transform it into a dinosaur look. A little double-sided tape will help with this issue.

A stylish cowboy will definitely need a horse - so why not make one from a long stick and a small box. And the neck of the bottle is used directly for the muzzle.

An alien costume made from scrap materials is an image for those who value originality and non-standard solutions. After all, it is unknown what this hero should actually look like, so you can design it in any style. From a large box you can make a huge body, decorated with funny designs, and put a mask on your face. A hoop with protruding horns or antennas will complement the look.

Costume made from improvised materials

The ability to sew is always useful - especially if you need to create costumes for children from scrap materials for matinees. Moreover, in this case, significant skills and knowledge are not required - a little diligence and the perfect outfit will be ready within a few hours.

Before you start creating a product, you should carefully look around the house. Perhaps somewhere in the bins there is an old grandmother’s brooch or an unusual necklace? Then it can become the basis of the chosen appearance. For example, you can easily make a traditional gypsy outfit from several colorful scarves and large beads.

You can become a luxurious queen, conquering everyone at the party, with the help of non-standard jewelry. Such products can decorate even the simplest dress.

Rain and Christmas toys

On the eve of matinees in schools and kindergartens, you can use simple ideas. Carnival costumes from scrap materials are easily created using combinations of various rain showers, miniature bells, bows or even balls intended for decorating a Christmas tree.

A girl can be turned into a charming Christmas tree, especially by making a skirt from tulle strips. For this purpose, scraps of any fabric of a suitable shade are suitable - you will need to cut them into equal pieces, and then secure them with a wide elastic band.


Why not become charming witch or even Baba Yaga? Not all girls give preference exclusively to positive characters - the dark side can be quite attractive. This is a good idea for any occasion - someone has to be naughty at the event!

Do you have a dark skirt or dress in your wardrobe? Or perhaps dark jeans combined with a pullover in a matching shade? They will be an excellent basis for such an outfit. A charming real witch's cap, a cloak, striped stockings, a glamorous witch set - with a little effort you can become the most charming negative heroine at the party.


Why are they beautiful? butterflies ? Because they are the brightest and most charming creatures. This look is well suited for any holiday, because its owner is surprisingly sweet and spontaneous.

First you need to make the wings. To do this, you will need two small hangers or strong wire, which can easily be shaped into any shape. Fabric is stretched over it - knitwear or tulle are excellent for this purpose.

Attached wings using wide elastic bands. Or you can put on a belt for your child, which will allow you to fix the product on your back. It is important to color the fabric, because butterflies are so bright - you can use almost any color of the rainbow for decoration.

To complete the look, you should take care of creating charming horns. They easily attach to a hoop or hairband. For small antennas, a regular ballpoint pen paste is suitable, to which large beads or multi-colored pompoms are attached. If you have different colors of thread, you can easily make colorful pompoms. This is a great idea - almost any children's costume looks much more interesting with them.


Carlson , who lives on the roof - every kid probably dreamed of meeting him. After all, this is a world of joy and adventure, and therefore you certainly won’t be bored.

Wide pants can be made from dad's shorts - comfortable and practical suspenders will help secure them at the desired height.

You can use any tones and shades for your outfit, because the more colorful, the more interesting. The propeller can be made from ordinary cardboard or an old box. Old disks, which will become the basis of the product, are also suitable for this purpose. More blush and red hair, and in the hands of a huge jar of jam - and recognizing the chosen character will not be the slightest difficulty.


Become cute little angel It’s quite easy - you can buy ready-made wings or make them yourself. The principle is the same as in the case of the butterfly outfit. Only in this case, bright decorations are not required - on the contrary, plain white fabrics will be the optimal solution.

A simple light dress, loose hair - and the look is ready. Nothing superfluous, no additional details - only tenderness and purity.

Using a regular hoop it is easy to make an original halo. A wire circle is attached to it, which is wrapped in yellow cloth or fur.

The Gorgon Medusa is a symbol of ancient Greek beauty and horror. To make your own Medusa costume, attach some rubber snakes to your hair. Wear a Greek-style dress, apply makeup and accessories that complement your hairstyle. If you're still curious, read on to learn in detail how to make this outfit.


Simple Snake Hairstyle

    Curl your hair. This look will work better if you start by curling your hair.

    • There are different ways to curl your hair. For long-lasting curls, use a curling iron or roller. A curling iron or curling iron is suitable for any hair type, but women with fine hair are better off using curlers for long-lasting results.
    • You can also curl your hair by braiding it. Braid a few braids before bed and leave them in overnight, or at least for a few hours before the event. Unravel the braids and gently comb your hair, dividing it into curls. The more braids you make, the more wavy your hair will be.
    • To create beachy waves, apply hair gel. Divide your head into sections and secure the ends of your hair at the top of your head. Let the hair fall naturally as you work. The gel will keep your hair looking wet even when it dries. It will keep the waves going for several hours. Secure your hair with green hairspray.
    • Note that if you have short hair, or want to keep things simple, just buy a wig with long, curly green hair.
  1. Attach 15 large rubber snakes to the wig. Attach the snakes to green wire or hot, liquid glue.

    • Place one snake across your head, allowing it to fall to the side. Make the snake's body look curved rather than straight. Secure the snake with wire.
    • Attach another snake so that its head faces in a different direction from the first.
    • Secure the remaining snakes by making a few holes in the wig and gluing them together. Also use more wire. Position the snakes so that they are evenly but not symmetrically spaced on either side of the head.
  2. Place the wig on your head. Position the snakes so that they do not fall on your face.

    • Remember that you may have to tie the snakes to your head to secure them.
  3. Tie small snakes to your wig. If your head isn't already full of snakes, attach a few more small snakes directly to your curls.

    • If possible, hide the wire in your hair.
  4. Another version of the snake hairstyle

    1. Braid your hair. Braid all your hair in many small braids.

      • You should have at least 10-12 pieces, but the more braids you can braid, the better.
      • If you have short hair, use extensions or a wig. You can also use a wig if you have long hair but don't want to deal with it. Simply braid the hair onto the wig and work it around before placing it on your head.
      • Tie the braids using elastic bands.
    2. Leave your hair straight or pin it up. The easiest way is to just leave your hair hanging freely, but you can also elegantly put it in a bun on top of your head.

      Put snakes in your hair. Secure the rubber snakes by threading them through your braids and securing with elastic bands as needed.


      Wear a Greek style dress. The easiest way would be to buy a Greek goddess dress from a costume store or just a white dress in the Greek style.

    1. Create a Peplos dress without seams. Peplos is a type of long ancient Greek dress worn only by women.

      • Fold a white sheet or large piece of fabric in half. The width should be slightly less than twice the span of your arms, and the length should be equal to the sum of your height and 46 cm. Fold it in half so that it is from elbow to elbow.
      • Fold 46 cm from the top.
      • Wrap the fabric around yourself. The folded part should be below your hands and one part should be open.
      • Fasten the fabric to the shoulders. Lift up enough material so that it falls over your shoulders. Secure the shoulders with a beautiful pin or brooch.
      • Secure the open part. Place the material on top of each other to create an overlap, and then secure with pins or make small knots along the edge. If you want, you can sew them together with a needle and thread.
    2. Sew a simple chiton dress. The ancient Greek dress chiton was worn by both men and women. It could be either long or short.

      • Use a white material such as a sheet. It should be twice as long as your arm span and equal to your height. For a short chiton, use fabric slightly shorter than your height.
      • Fold the fabric in half. Fold the wide part of the fabric in half so that it is equal to the span of your arms, from the tips of the fingers of one hand to the tips of the other. Do not change the height.
      • Sew open edge. Turn the fabric inside out and use a forward or reverse stitch to create a strong seam along the open side of the garment. Then turn the fabric inside out again.
      • The top should be open, but the fabric should flow down your arms. Leave slits for the head and arms, and tie the rest of the fabric in knots and secure with brooches or pins. You can also use a needle and thread to secure the edges.
      • The points where the top edge will meet should be tied together with fabric, exposing areas of skin on your shoulders and arms. Do not leave the fabric in one piece covering your hands.
      • Tie the belt around your waist. You can use a white ribbon or a gold decorative belt. Pull a little material over the belt to give the waist area a loose look.

    Makeup and accessories

    1. Highlight your eyes and lips. For this look, you can go for a bold makeup look by covering your face with gray and green makeup. Make large black circles around the eyes, insert yellow contact lenses and add some blood to the mouth area.

      • Remember that Medusa Gorgon must be very beautiful and scary at the same time. Apply makeup so that it looks scary, wonderful and painful.
      • Use a green tone. Since Medusa lives in the dark, she should not have a bronze tan or rosy cheeks. She should be pale, with broken skin peeling away from her face.
      • Draw attention to your eyes with black eyeliner and black mascara. You can use dark eyeshadow for a haggard look, or you can use metallic shades of green or purple for something more subdued and crazy.
      • Use black or red lipstick. If you want to look creepy, use black lipstick. To highlight the charm of Medusa, wear red lipstick. Make your teeth black so they look really rotten.
    2. Add scary scales. Use makeup to create small scales on your forehead, cheeks, and arms and legs.

      • You can also use black and green eyeliner to draw on the scales. For a 3D effect, cut out the scales from colored paper. Glue them on a mixture of water and flour or tape.
      • Remember that this is all at your discretion. Even without scales, you will still look like the Gorgon Medusa.

If you are preparing a theatrical performance on the theme of marine life, throwing a beach party or carnival, then you will need costumes.

In this article, the News Portal "site" has prepared a small selection of master classes on making simple but original carnival costumes for children, which you can make with your own hands from scrap materials.

Jellyfish Costume: DIY Jellyfish Costume

Are you planning to go to a New Year's party at the carnival or play the role of a charming jellyfish in a children's play? In this case, there is no way to do without a jellyfish costume.

We will make a jellyfish costume with our own hands, because it is so easy to make from scrap materials.

To make your own jellyfish costume you will need

Necessary materials:

- umbrella;

- a small piece of fabric;

- multi-colored ribbons.


Open the umbrella and baste several ribbons to each knitting needle. Ask your child to hold the umbrella while making the costume so you know exactly how long to make the ribbons.

Ribbons can be replaced with strips cut from scraps of fabric. One condition is to cut the strip in a circle.

Another option for replacing tapes is corrugated paper, cut into thin strips. And if it’s New Year’s, then you can use shiny tinsel.

Now you need to dress the child in the color of the jellyfish costume you made and you can go to the carnival.

Octopus Costume: DIY Octopus Costume

Do you need a cheerful and funny octopus costume? Then why not make it yourself from scrap materials.

In a ready-made homemade octopus costume, you can play the main and minor roles in a children's play, at a matinee, or just have a themed sea party.

Necessary materials:

- t-shirt;

- paints, colored paper or scraps of black and white;

- rubber;

- foam rubber.


Cut the foam rubber into narrow, long strips. It would not be bad if the foam rubber had color, and not the usual boring colorless one. Secure the foam strips with an elastic band (can be sewn on). You should end up with a kind of skirt.

Now draw the eyes of the octopus on the T-shirt. If you don’t want to get your T-shirt dirty, use colored paper or scraps of fabric that can be sewn on after cutting out the eyes of the future octopus.

Starfish Costume: DIY Starfish Costume

You can also make a bright and cheerful carnival starfish costume with your own hands from ordinary cardboard.

Necessary materials:

- a sheet of thick cardboard;

- paints;

- glue;

- foam rubber.


Cut out the shape of a starfish from a sheet of cardboard and make a window for the face in the middle of the piece. Decorate the cardboard star. Glue circles cut out of foam rubber to the rays of the star.

Shell Costume: DIY Shell Costume

A wonderful carnival costume for a little beauty.

Necessary materials:

- a sheet of thick cardboard;

— ribbons or decorative strands;

- paints;

- glue;

- beads;

- white ball;

- hair band.


You need to cut out two parts of the future shell from a sheet of thick cardboard (see photo). Connect them together using ribbons.

Now you need to make a fashion accessory. Glue a large white plastic ball to an old hairband (it can be a Christmas ball, as long as it is plastic). Decorate your hairband with beautiful beads and ribbons.

Fish costume: DIY fish costume

A fun and easy to make carnival costume.

Necessary materials:

- a sheet of thick cardboard;

- paints:

- plastic balls.


You need to cut out the silhouette of a fish from a sheet of cardboard. In the middle of the workpiece, make a slot for the hand. Decorate the blank. Try to make the future fish as bright as possible.

Now attach a string to any stick, and several balls to it, which will symbolize air bubbles.

Submarine Costume: DIY Submarine Costume

A great option for a carnival costume for a boy going to a beach party.

Necessary materials:

- a sheet of thick cardboard;

- paints.


Cut out the silhouette of a submarine from a sheet of cardboard. Cut a round hole in the center for the hand. Draw a submarine and decorate it with paints. Complete the suit with a scuba diving set (snorkel and mask).
