Lesson in 2nd junior class on space topic. Lesson notes for the second junior group “Space travel”


“Cognitive and speech development”:

- consolidate the concept of “space”, “solar system” in children;

— clarify knowledge about the planets of the solar system;

- develop memory, visual and auditory attention, thinking, curiosity;

— develop initial experimentation skills;

— consolidate the ability to clearly and concisely answer questions posed and select related words;

— improve the ability to compose short stories according to a diagram;


- encourage children to participate in joint activities with adults;

- develop the ability to work in a small group;

- cultivate a sense of patriotism and citizenship;

“Artistic and aesthetic development”:

— enrich the child’s creative potential.

Materials: presentation “Space and Us”, globe, materials for experimental activities, voice recorder.

GCD move:

Org. moment.

Children stand in a circle.

Finger gymnastics “Greeting”

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, free breeze!

Hello, little oak tree!

We live in the same region

I greet you all!

Entering the topic (Cosmic music sounds)

- Guys, do you want to know what we are going to talk about now?

Then put the letters in order and find out our topic.

SSMOKO (space)

3 6 4 2 1 5

-What is space? (children's answers)

(peace, universe, order)

On the screen is a slide with an image of outer space.

Game "Grow a tree"

(selection of related words).




— Is the word “rocket” appropriate? (no, why? (children's answers)

Cosmology is a science that studies space and the universe.

Cosmopolitans - animals and plants living in different parts of the globe (eg: sparrows, woodpeckers)

Game “Say the Word.”

Space... spacesuit, flight, satellite, stone...

Space... rocket, speed, food, planet, comet, music...

Cosmic... bodies, aliens...

Outer space, travel...

Musical physical exercise.

There is no gravity in outer space, let's depict this by standing on one leg.

(standing on one leg, children perform various movements)

Experimental activity.

— I suggest you make your own microcosm... in an ordinary glass jar.

— For this we need cotton wool, glycerin, food coloring, glitter and water.

Place some cotton wool in a jar, add glycerin, glitter, and pour out some colored water.

Then add cotton wool, glycerin, glitter and a little water of a different color again.

The colors in it blend beautifully into each other, almost without mixing.

View the presentation “Space and Us”

1 slide.

— Since ancient times, people have dreamed of flying. They came up with fairy tales in which the heroes flew... on what? (on a broom, in a mortar, on a carpet, in shoes, etc.)

2 slide.

— And, of course, we dreamed of flying into unknown and alluring space.

3 slide.

Our Earth rotates in vast expanses. She is one of the planets of the solar system.

The solar system is the Sun and all cosmic bodies (planets, satellites, comets, meteorites, cosmic dust revolving around it)

What do you think the Sun is? (hot ball, the closest star to us)

What sun? (hot, burning, affectionate, kind)

4 slide.

There are only 9 planets and they are all different.

(learning a poem)

Any of us can name all the planets in order:

One - Mercury, two - Venus,

Three - Earth, four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn,

Seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row. And after him, then,

And the ninth planet called Pluto.

A. Hight

5 slide.

Stars are huge balls of gas that emit light and heat.

6 slide.

The very first space passenger was the dog Laika in 1957.

In 1958, Belka and Strelka set off on their flight.

Slide 7

In 1961, the first man, Yu. A. Gagarin, took off on the Vostok space rocket.

8 slide.

He was in flight for 1 hour 48 minutes. Flew around our planet once.

During the war, the Leningrad flight school was evacuated to Zavodoukovsk, where they studied:

M. M. Komarov is an outstanding spacecraft tester, twice a hero of the Soviet Union.

L. S. Demin - Soviet cosmonaut, hero of the Soviet Union.

9, 10, 11 slide.

This is what our planet looks like from space. Most of it is covered with water. The earth is surrounded by layers of air (atmosphere)

12 slide.

Living on space stations, astronauts conduct their research.

They study the universe, plants, substances in zero gravity, the Earth's climate, etc.

Through satellite we receive weather information, television, mobile communications; they help ships sail, people chart routes, study planets and other cosmic bodies; take photographs of any point on Earth, follow.

13 slide.

- Who is this? (children's guesses: alien)

Now we will find out!

Message on the recorder:

- We, Aliens, got lost in outer space and accidentally ended up on your planet. We don't know anything about her. Tell us, we are very, very interested. And we will play with you.

Writing proposals

about our planet, country, region, city, kindergarten; working with the globe.

Outdoor game "Four Elements".

— Aliens can teach you their language. Repeat after me:







Speech musical warm-up:

Drank-drank, drank-drank,

The Pilitimchiks were visiting

At the cheerful Pilicili.

We drank tea and ate cookies.

Someone spilled sweet tea

Pilitimchik, don't be bored!

— The Pilitimians quickly learned Russian, but they often make mistakes. Listen to how they say some words, find the extra sounds:

(words on stars, children look for stars in groups)







vacuum cleaner

- Which word is missing? (bus)

— The Pilitim children learned a lot about our planet, had fun playing with us, and they need to return home.

Bottom line.

—Which game did you like best? What new did you learn today?

There is one garden planet

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds,

It's the only one they bloom on

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other like it!

Lesson summary on the topic “Space”

Program content: develop interest in astronomy, consolidate basic ideas about astronomy as a science about the Universe; give initial knowledge about the red planet - Mars; consolidate children's knowledge about the closest star - the Sun (shape, size), about the Earth's satellite - the Moon.

Vocabulary work: to activate children's knowledge on the topic "Space".

Corrective tasks: develop fine motor skills using the main principle - the hand develops the brain, use elements of the M. Montessori pedagogical system.

Equipment and materials: Space Museum (photos of famous cosmonauts), photo postcards depicting interplanetary stations; globe, image of Mars, Moon, Sun; tape recorder, audio cassettes; dark cloth, saucer with flour.

The music sounds loudly, gradually fades away, and children enter the group.

Educator (V.). Guys, let's say hello to our guests, teachers and give them our smiles. And now, let's start the next meeting of the space club “Zvezdochka”. Today we have a very interesting topic: “The unknown red planet - Mars.” I know that you love to travel, and that's why... (To the music from the cartoon “Dunno on the Moon,” lyrics by O. Feldman, Dunno runs in.)

Dunno. Hello children.

Children. Hello, Dunno.

Dunno. I heard that you are going on a space trip to the planet Snickers.

Children. Yes, not Snickers, but Mars.

Dunno. Just think, a mistake... Take me with you, because I’ve already been to the Moon, and therefore the world’s first astronaut!

IN. Yes, Dunno, we need to take your space education seriously, and therefore, first, we invite you to our space museum.

Children. Please come in, Dunno, sit back and listen. Unfortunately for you, you are not the first astronaut. The first living creature to go into space was a dog. When scientists were convinced that flights to the stars were not dangerous, on April 12, 1961, the first man flew into space. It was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

IN. Guys, what do you think an astronaut should be like? (Courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous, healthy, physically fit, etc.)

Dunno. Ha, all boys are like that, and girls are fearful and crybaby, so they won’t fly into space!

Children. Well, no. The first woman pilot-cosmonaut was the brave and fearless Valentina Tereshkova.

Dunno. I’m also not afraid of anything, and I’ve already been to the moon. But the Sun is probably a yellow ball that was thrown into the sky, but for some reason it doesn’t fall...

Children. Eh, Dunno... The sun is a huge ball of fire, and you can’t approach it in a spaceship - you can burn out. But without sunlight, life on our planet is impossible. The sun warms and gives its energy to all living creatures on earth.

Dunno. Now everything is clear, let me tell you about the Moon. The Moon is a planet, an artificial satellite of the Earth, which has the shape of a ball. Its surface is hard and cold.

IN. You and I started talking. It's time for us to travel. What will we fly on?

Children. On a rocket.

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For flights to planets.

Whatever we want

Let's fly to this one!

IN. Guys, is it possible to fly into space in ordinary clothes? (Children's answers.) What should you wear? (Space suit.) What it is? (Space suit.) In addition, to always be in shape, you must take food. How is space food stored? (In tubes.) So, are you ready to fly? Let's start the countdown... 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0... (Music sounds.) Close your eyes. Now we will overcome gravity. Congratulations on your successful start!

Children, you and I conducted experiments on earth. If you threw an object, it would definitely fall to the ground and be attracted. The earth has a gravitational force.

But in outer space there is no such power. This state is called weightlessness. How do you understand this? (There is no weight, we are light, like feathers, like cotton wool, like fluff, like leaves.) Let's go into outer space and find out what weightlessness is. (The music plays “14 minutes before the start” by O. Faldman. Children imitate the state of weightlessness.) Now let’s take photographs of the Earth, take your cameras. What do you see? (Continents, cities, deserts, forests, oceans, seas, rivers, mountains, etc.)

Voice. Astronauts, report your well-being to mission control on earth. (Each child comes to the computer and, pressing the keys, says: Dear mother, I feel great, I kiss you, I love you very much! Dad, I am an astronaut, I feel good! Etc.)

IN. Mars is a very distant planet. In many countries of the Earth, space expeditions are being assembled to study it. The flight there is very, very long. But our journey is fabulous, and now Mars is visible on our monitor. What colour is he? (Children's answers.) We step carefully onto the surface of the planet, remembering that it holds many secrets. (Music sounds. A Martian woman enters.)

Martian. Hello! Who are you?

Children. Hello, we have arrived from planet Earth! We are earthlings.

Martian. Won't you help me? My robot assistants had a breakdown. They need renovation.

Children. Let's help! (The Martian hands out envelopes with the task of assembling robots from geometric shapes. Children are divided into two teams and complete the tasks.)

Martian. Thank you very much! And now I really want to know about that distant planet from which you flew.

Children. We flew from planet Earth, but its model is a globe. The Earth is a round ball that rotates around its axis and around the Sun. There is land and water on Earth. People, animals, birds, and insects live on land. In the seas and oceans there are fish and marine animals. We live in a country called Belarus. And we also go to kindergarten.

Martian. What is a kindergarten? What are you doing there?

Children. We play, sing, draw, eat, sleep, etc.

IN. Guys, let's invite the Martian to our kindergarten, and she will see what it is. ( Children “get into” the rocket, music sounds.)

Pilot in a space rocket

Looked at the sky from above,

No one yet, no one in the world

I have never seen such beauty!

Oh, what a beauty!

We are not afraid of heights!

And we will tell you the answer,

That there is no more beautiful Earth.

V. Borozdin.

IN. How good it is to be back on earth! And to leave impressions of what we saw, let's draw distant stars. We will draw with an unusual material - flour (print technique). (Children draw.) Wonderful drawings! Children, you are very tired from traveling. Lie down comfortably on the mats and listen to what I have to say.

(Calm music sounds. Relaxation is accompanied by a story from the teacher.)

IN. This story began a long time ago and is still ongoing. Mother Nature had a star son. He grew up and it was time for him to reign. Mother nature gave him a small and fragile planet Earth. He began to take care of it, take care of those who lived on it, planted forests, helped animals. And he was responsible for everyone and everything. He remembered that no amount of wealth could buy the singing of birds, clean air and the happiness of living among such beauty.

(The music stops.)

IN. We flew to another planet. But no matter how far you go, there is no more beautiful planet than ours! And we will give our guests souvenirs - globes, so that they will always remember how extraordinary our planet is!

(Children give gifts to guests and say goodbye.)

Abstract of GCD for children of the younger group
to get to know the outside world

Topic: “You have to become strong and smart in order to fly into space”
Compiled by teacher Shavrina L. N.

To form children's ideas about space, as a space where stars, planets, constellations are located, about the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin. Instill a sense of pride in your country - Russia. Create a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports. Encourage curiosity, kindness, and a desire to help.

Develop listening skills and answering questions in complete sentences.

Follow the rules of the game. Correlate movements with the text of warm-ups and physical education minutes.

Activate children's vocabulary: space, astronaut, spacesuit, rocket, outer space, planet, stars.

Reinforce your knowledge of the names of primary colors. Develop the ability to orientate on a sheet of paper, position figures relative to each other. Carefully work with glue, use a napkin.

Organization of the environment for conducting NOD: the group is decorated according to the theme “Space”, tables with handouts for application, free space for outdoor games, organization of musical accompaniment,

Equipment: portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin, pictures depicting planet Earth, a space satellite and ship, dogs Belka and Strelka; materials for applique for each child: ready-made sheets of paper for applique, rocket silhouettes from parts: 1 rectangle 10*6, 1 triangle 6*6*6, 5 circles d*5; astronauts, flags, glue; Tape recorder, flash drive, music recording of the Zodiac group, Baba Yaga doll, gifts for children, key rings in the shape of stars, an inflated balloon.

Preliminary work: conversations on the topic “Space”, “Space travelers - Belka and Strelka?”; “I would like to become an astronaut, let them teach me”; "Where the Stars Live"; familiarization with books about space; drawings about space, game situations (outdoor game) “Planets and Stars”, “Meteor Shower”. Examination of illustrations on the topic “Space”; Didactic games on the theme “Space”, “Assemble a picture” (cosmonaut, rocket), “Assemble a rocket according to the diagram” (building material), “Each astronaut has his own rocket”, “Assemble rockets of the same color”; Children painting sheets of paper using unconventional methods (sponge and spray).

Progress: Cosmic music sounds. On the easel, the teacher unfolds the starry sky.

Teacher: What an unusual poster I prepared for my inquisitive whys.
Children come up, look, and are interested.

Teacher: Children, can you guess what is shown in this picture? (sky);
How did you determine that this is the sky? Look out the window, outside the window the sky is blue, but why is the sky dark in the picture?

What are the bright spots in the sky called? (stars)

What can you see in the sky besides stars? (comets, meteorites, sun, cosmic rain, planets)

How can you call planets, stars, the sun, the dark sky, and even meteorites in one word? (space).

For a long time, people have wondered what is happening there in the sky, why the stars shine at night and the sun shines during the day. First, the dogs Belka and Strelka flew into space, who returned safely to Earth, and only then on April 12, 1961, the first man on Earth, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, our Russian cosmonaut on the Vostok-1 spacecraft, flew around our planet Earth. (Portrait). It was not an easy flight; many unknowns awaited Yuri Alekseevich in space. Gagarin overcame all difficulties and returned as a hero of our country, Russia!

What do you guys think, what are astronauts like? (smart, brave, courageous). Do you want to play astronauts?

Let's imagine that you are future astronauts, and we will go to the cosmodrome.

Who knows what kind of place this spaceport is? (cosmodrome is a home for astronauts, where they live, train, prepare for space flight and from where they fly into space from the launch pad)

The teacher conducts exercises for “Cosmonauts”:

There's a knock on the door. Baba Yaga appears: Hello, kids, girls and boys. What are you doing? (doing exercises for future cosmonauts)

B. I : Why do you need space charging?

Teacher: While we are little, we play astronauts, and when our children become adults, maybe one of them will become an astronaut. And astronauts are strong, dexterous, and they don’t go a single day without exercising.

B.Y: Well, I’ve been doing exercises every morning for a hundred years, I can fly on a mortar, it turns out I’m an astronaut! I’m going to fly into space, I’ve never been there before.

Teacher: Oh, oh, oh Grandmother Yaga, take your time! Guys, do you think B.Ya will be able to fly into outer space on his mortar? And why?

Teacher: Look, now we will conduct an experiment. Watch the rocket take off (the teacher lowers the inflated balloon)

B.Y: Ugh, I can’t do that! I was offended by you, you know everything.

Teacher: Grandma, don't be offended! The children will tell you everything.

Child: “The sun is shining in the clear sky,
An astronaut flies in a rocket.
And below are forests, fields,
The ground is spreading."

Teacher: Who are astronauts? (people flying into space). What do astronauts wear when going on a flight? (suit, helmet, boots, gloves). Why do they wear such clothes? (protection from heat, from lack of air)

Teacher: What kind of vehicle do they need to fly into space?? (spaceship, rocket).

Teacher: Are ships and rockets natural or man-made? Who creates them? (scientists, engineers, workers).

Teacher: -Where do rockets take off from? (from the cosmodrome).

Teacher: Why do you think people want to go into space? What do they want to see and learn about?
(new planets where people live, study the sun, moon, photograph the Earth from space, help fishermen find out where there are a lot of fish, report floods, fires).

What do you think, children, is the work of astronauts important and necessary?

Teacher: What do you need to do to become an astronaut? (play sports, toughen up, study a lot). Would you like me to teach you a space game?

Let's play astronauts
Let's fly into space together.
All space stars
We'll place it by planet

All the stars in the sky are confused and don’t know which planet they should fly to, can we help them?

Outdoor game "Planets and Stars"
(Children choose a star from the tray, lightly run around the group to the music, at the end of the music, the children take a place in the hoop, the same color as the star; the game is repeated while the children move, the teacher changes the hoops places)

Teacher: How clever you are, children! All the stars found their planets. B. Did you like the game?

B.Y: Children, stars, we have put them in order, but I still want to fly high! On a rocket!

Teacher, thoughtfully: How can we help our guest? Guys, let's think together?

Children make assumptions, the teacher reminds that the children painted the starry sky, leading the children to think about making a rocket.

Teacher: Gather together people
Build a new starship
And in space rockets.
Fly to the stars and planets.

Guys, so that you and I can design wonderful rockets, like real designers, let’s stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Cosmonaut”.

Teacher: Look at the rocket I built. Where is the rocket going? (up, into space) Who else is in my picture? (astronaut) What is he holding in his hand? (Flag of Russia). Do you want to create the same pictures? You have already painted space with stars, now all you have to do is glue a rocket and an astronaut onto this picture.

Sit down, children, in the space rocket, we will all design rockets together (the children sit at tables set in the shape of a rocket), on which materials for the individual application “Rocket and Russian Cosmonaut” have been prepared in advance.

Show a sample of a rocket and explain how to glue its parts.

When the application is completed, the children's work is displayed on the stand.

B. I: Guys Examines all the crafts and notes: What interesting rockets they turned out to be: smooth, neat, beautiful! Thank you for telling me about... (thinks).

Teacher: Tell old Grandma what you told her about today? (children's answers)

B.Y: I have prepared gifts for you for your good deeds (hands out stars made of shiny paper)

Thank you very much, children, for teaching me, I’ll fly home in my mortar, now I understand that in order to fly into the sky you need to be able to do a lot of things, to be strong, but I’m already old, I don’t have the same strength, I want to rest! Goodbye!

Children say goodbye to Baba Yaga.

Lydia Silina

Job title: creativity teacher

Place of work: DCR "Children of Megapolis"

Location: Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russia

Target: To consolidate children’s elementary ideas about space, about celestial bodies, about exploration space by people. Improve quantitative and ordinal counting skills within 5; call numbers in reverse order; practice counting in various directions.

Develop logical thinking, attention, memory, mental activity, imagination.

Promote the development of speech, observation, and the ability to express.

Develop children's ability to interact with each other.

To develop in children the ability to listen to adults.

Preliminary work: Learning poems about space. Looking at drawings and pictures « Space» , « Astronauts» , "Rocket", "Satellite" "Moon", "Earth", "Sun".

Material: Emblems and layouts spaceships, sets of numbers from 1 to 5 (3 pcs)., pictures of planets, Presentation about space, Cartoon about dogs Belka and Strelka "Day astronautics» , Balloon, Tape recorder with music, Cut-out picture of a rocket for a didactic game

Leading: Every child is a dreamer,

In the future, doctor, scientist, writer

physicist, biologist or artist,

chemist, teacher or taxi driver.

Well, for now the children are just dreaming

And they imagine themselves to be anyone.

I suggest you dream

And in astronauts to play.

Do you agree? Then let's go to space trip, but not simple, but fabulous. On each planet some task will await us. Look how many of you there are, and you won’t all fit into one rocket. Let's divide by three spaceship. But now we’ll find out who will fly what. To do this, you need to take the emblem with the name from the table, and then go to your spaceship.

(There are 2 deep plates on the chairs with bags filled with cereal « cosmic dust» And spaceships. And on the other side there are 2 deep plates with such drawings. Each child takes a bag of cosmic dust, and goes through obstacles to a plate with a picture of his « spaceship» ).

A game "Landing at spaceship»

Each member "crew" you need to take a geometric figure - from designer, and line up in front of the entrance spaceship. Whose team will line up and enter their ship faster will start in space first.

Now let's fly to our fabulous journey.

Option 2: Well, we’ll fly on a rocket. Let's get it all together 2 space rockets for our crews. (Children are divided into two teams and approach the tables and under space music is collected by puzzles with the image of a rocket.)

A game "Takeoff"

Before you take off spaceship, the team must count down the time. There are color cards on your tables. But one color is missing. You need to guess which one and find it.

Physical training.

Well done, the rocket is ready.

Children stand in a circle and a physical education session is held.

We're flying on a rocket (we run in a circle)

Look at the moon (put hand to head)

We are healthy children

In our kindergarten (we bend and straighten our arms to the sides)

The flight is over

The starship is resting. (sit down)

Teacher: Since the crew members entered their ship. And our rocket doesn't fly. We need to start the engines. So, let's start the countdown.

We take an inflated balloon with a model of a rocket glued to tape and release it, explaining how our ship flies. _

Teacher: Start. So our ships went out into the open space. And here is the first planet. Let's try to guess where we arrived.

You and I will look at the Earth from the planet Moon, Sun and from the window spaceship.

So what should it be astronaut? I will name the qualities astronauts, and you remember: hardworking, kind, strong, fast, neat, cheerful, calm, young, brave, dexterous

All the qualities that you listed are inherent astronaut. And here is the land. We're landing.

Hello, our home planet!

Hello, our native country!

Our brave pilots have returned from their flight.

Let's all sit down from the road and quickly sum up the results.

Guys, did you like it? space trip? Which task was the most difficult and the easiest? What planets have we visited?

Creative part of the lesson:And now we will start drawing space. But we would draw in an unusual way, a fairy-tale way with milk. Our drawings will "alive".

Today I would like to bring to your attention a summary of a thematic lesson dedicated to Cosmonautics Day in the second junior group of kindergarten.

Children by nature are very curious, they are attracted to everything mysterious and unknown, so this topic will evoke positive emotions in students. Now, at the age of 3-5 years, modern children are interested in spaceships and aliens, but their knowledge is superficial, based on viewing information that is not always sufficiently informative and understandable for their age. Sometimes they associate Space with Star Wars, pirates, etc. aggression, which is broadcast in the media.

Goal: formation of basic knowledge about space, stars, cosmonauts, the names of the planets of the solar system, the holiday that exists in Russia - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day through the integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social -communicative development”, “Physical development”.

Materials: demonstration material about space (photos, illustrations).

Pre-work: viewing visual aids depicting a telescope, making a telescope (coloring paper towel rolls).

1. Educational:

  • Explain the meaning of the words “cosmonaut”, “spaceship”, “cosmodrome”, “weightlessness”, “space suit”, “gravitational force of the earth”, “Solar system”, “star”, “astronomer”.
  • Develop the ability to use new words in speech, encourage children to answer questions.

2. Developmental:

  • Develop fine and gross motor skills,
  • contribute to the formation of aesthetic taste
  • create conditions for an emotional response when learning new knowledge
  • introduce a sense of rhythm by listening to poems, develop memory and speech

3. Educational:

  • Develop the ability to communicate and negotiate with peers in the process of joint activities
  • To promote respect for people in interesting and dangerous professions, to help understand the importance of their work for society and individuals.

Progress of the lesson:

Q: Guys, we received a letter, written by Lisa Barboskina (the hero of the famous animated series “Barboskina”), she is very upset, because her brother Druzhok wants to become an astronaut and fly into space, but she doesn’t know who an astronaut is and what he can do fly there.

Educator: Guys, do you know who an astronaut is? (children's answers)

Q: That's right, this is a man who flew into space on a spaceship.

Q: Do you want to become an astronaut and go on a space journey? Then we need a spacesuit - this is special protective clothing for working in outer space, because there is no air there and it is very, very cold:

GAME "Cosmonaut":

I want to become an astronaut! (hands on belt)

I put on a spacesuit (imitation of dressing)

I'll fly on a rocket (raise your arms up and connect above your head)

And I will open all the planets (make a big circle with your hands)

Q: Guys, the first person to fly into space was our compatriot Yuri Gagarin, and before man’s flight dogs named Belka and Strelka visited space and returned safely to Earth a day later.

Q: On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin flew around our planet Earth, where we live, on the Vostok-1 spacecraft, and starting next year, at the suggestion of the country’s second cosmonaut, German Titov, the holiday began to be celebrated in our country Aviation and Cosmonautics Day every year.

B: reads V. Stepanov’s poem “Yuri Gagarin”, the children all repeat it several times together (then the children stand in a circle):

In a space rocket, (move in a circle, holding each other's hands)

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars. (raise hands up)

Sings songs about it (arms raised up, body swaying)

Spring drops: (they lower their hands and hold hands)

They will be together forever (converging to the center)

Gagarin and April!

Q: So, young cosmonauts, what will we fly into space on?

D: On a rocket!

Q: Where can we get a rocket, because we only have modules, but no spacecraft.

Children offer to build a rocket (there are illustrations of a rocket hanging on the stand).

Build a Rocket GAME


Flies from the Earth into the clouds

Like a silver arrow.

Flies to other planets


Children:. (rocket)

Q: That’s right, astronauts fly into space on a rocket (spaceship), and where does it take off from, do you know? The rocket is launched from the cosmodrome, this is a specially designated and equipped place from where rockets are launched into space (show photo).

Q: Now, take on the road, in your opinion, everything you need and get ready for the flight.

Q: (Children sit on the carpet around the built rocket). 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – START!

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To fly to the planets.

Whichever one we want -

Let's fly to this one!

Q: Guys, what do you think, an astronaut should have excellent health, be fearless, strong, smart, because he has to work in unusual conditions, in zero gravity. What do you think it is - weightlessness? (Children's answers). Let's think about what it is?

(The teacher shows a photo of astronauts in the zero-gravity zone).

In Space, a person is not affected by the gravitational force of the earth, due to which we stand firmly on our feet and do not fall, there is no gravitational force there, so astronauts cannot stand on their feet, they seem to “float”, but not in water, but in air.

GAME "Zero Gravity"

The teacher invites the children to get up from the carpet and jump up as high as possible.

Q: While you guys are in the air, you don't feel the weight of your body. You can also feel weightlessness on Earth when you are in an elevator, at the moment it begins to move down, when you jump on a trampoline, when you are driving a car and suddenly fall into a hole.


The rocket has a driver (raise your arms up and connect above your head)

Zero gravity lover (put your arms to the sides and shake your body)

In English, astronaut, (arms spread to the sides and shrug)

and in Russian... (Cosmonaut) (hands on belt)

Children imitate the movements of astronauts in space, smoothly move their arms, “float in the air”

Q: Now let's see what items you took with you on your space journey. (Children show spoons, forks, blanket, fruit)

Q: Guys, you won’t be able to eat with a spoon and fork in space. Why do you think, probably because of weightlessness, right? It won't be possible to put food on plates either, because it will scatter all over the spaceship, because... there is no gravitational force of the earth. That's why astronauts take food in special tubes, similar to toothpaste. And you won’t be able to sleep on the pillows either, they will simply fly away from under your head. There are no beds in space either. The astronauts sleep in special sleeping bags that are attached to the walls of the rocket (The teacher shows a photo).

Q: Guys, let's play the game “Breakfast for Cosmonautics.”

GAME “Breakfast for astronauts”.

Children eat fruit puree from a doy-pack from a well-known baby food company. Young astronauts just need to press on the bag and eat the puree themselves, without spilling a drop on themselves, having first unscrewed the caps.

V: Well, guys, we’ve refreshed ourselves! Did you like the astronaut breakfast? Now we get into the rocket and fly back to the kindergarten.

Children join their hands above their heads and “fly” several circles around the room, accompanying their flight with characteristic sounds, and each land on their own “cosmodrome” - a chair.

Q: So we arrived on earth. And now we are in the laboratory, prepare your telescopes for observations (this is a special device that allows you to observe stars, greatly enlarging and zooming in on the image) now we will be astronomers (scientists who observe celestial bodies: stars, planets, i.e. what is happening in space).

The teacher distributes paper towel rolls that the children have previously painted in different colors.

Q: Astronomers, now you will observe the planets through a telescope, and I will show you the planets of our solar system on a flannelgraph.

GAME “Exploring the Planets”

Q: Guys, all the planets of our solar system revolve around the sun (attach a yellow circle, and then as you read the poem, attach other planets of different colors and sizes to the stand).

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto. (A. Hight)

Q: Guys, do you want to make a model of our Solar system? Just how can we do it, can you tell me? We have glue, cardboard, models of planets (cut out circles of different colors), a photograph - a sample of the Solar System.

APPLICATION “Planets of the Solar System”


black or dark blue cardboard, glue, cotton swabs, red, yellow, blue gouache, pre-cut circles of colored paper - planets:

Mercury is a small brown circle;

Venus – a larger pink circle;

The earth is a blue circle, slightly larger;

Mars is a red circle the size of a pink circle;

Jupiter is gray in size like blue;

Saturn is white with a ring the size of gray;

Uranus – blue, same size as blue;

Neptune - purple, like blue;

Pluto (optional, as scientists now tend to agree that Pluto is not a planet) is white, about the size of brown.


  1. We glue the sun - a yellow circle.
  2. We glue other planets around the sun.
  3. We glue a pre-cut ring around one of the planets (Saturn).
  4. Using cotton swabs of the suggested colors, we make dots - these are stars.

Q: Guys, do you look at the sky late at night? What do you see there? Probably the stars, the moon, right? Do you know that earlier in ancient times people thought that stars were silver nails driven into the sky, but in fact they were hot balls of gas, and our Sun, which shines so brightly in the summer, is also a star. And the color of a star depends on the temperature of its surface. So, the hottest stars are those with a blue or white color, less hot ones emit a yellow color, and just hot ones emit a red color. Let us draw colorful stars using cotton swabs, and we will get a wonderful picture of space.

Q: Guys, Lisa Barboskina is very worried and worried about her brother Druzhka, how can we calm her down, show her how interesting it is in space, how beautiful it is? Look at the pictures you made about space, and do you want to show her? Let us make an exhibition and show it to everyone, Lisa Barboskina and your parents and grandparents.

(The next day, leave a letter from Lisa Barboskina and read it to the children when they come to kindergarten:

“Dear guys, I am very grateful to you for your beautiful works, now I see why my brother Druzhok so wants to fly into space, because it is so interesting and beautiful there. Thank you very much!!! Lisa Barboskina")

Q: Did you guys like our adventure today? What new words have you learned? Do you remember what games we played today? What do you remember most? Did you manage to build the rocket right away or did you have any difficulties? What do you think, if there were no such wonderful professions as astronaut, would people know so much about space as astronomer?

Title: Summary of a comprehensive thematic lesson “Space” for children of the second junior group
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, ECD, game activities, 2nd junior, middle group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 466 “Zhemchuzhinka”
Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod city
