Why a 2 month old baby. The second month of a newborn baby’s life: development, weight, care

Here is your 2-month-old baby, who has changed so much in such a short period of time that you can no longer imagine what will happen next. From this article you will learn how to care for your toddler, how the baby should develop correctly, and which one will suit him best.

How much should a 2 month old baby eat?

As you know, physical activity also requires a lot of energy. In order for the baby to receive it during this period in the quantity that he needs for proper development, he must eat well. In general, pediatricians indicate that a child should eat about 900 ml of milk per day. That is, one feeding should cover 150 ml. If we talk about the classic scheme of proper feeding, then you need to divide the food into 6 equal sessions. That is, this is essentially every 3-3.5 hours. no longer need night feeding, so at this time of day the break may be longer. For example, if you fed your baby for the last time at 11 p.m., you can safely wait until 6 a.m. for the next session.

Correct daily routine

As a rule, a 2-month-old baby has already adjusted his behavior quite well. He gets used to sleeping and eating at certain hours. At the same time, he doesn’t sleep that much anymore, so don’t worry if the total number of “sleepy” hours is reduced to 16-18. At night, a baby at this age already sleeps much more soundly and better. A rather big problem for both parents and the child himself is the fact when the baby confuses day and night. In this case, it is necessary to “retrain” him to sleep correctly. Remember that it will be very difficult to “turn” the situation. Walking becomes a very important part of a child’s life. A 2-month-old child whose routine is set up correctly should go for walks at least 2-3 times a day. Gradually increase the time spent outside, bringing it to 1.5 hours at an air temperature of at least 10 degrees. In the evening, when preparing your baby for bed, it is important to bathe. It can already be made longer (up to about 10 minutes). A 2-month-old child should bathe in water whose temperature is not lower than 37 degrees. Don't forget that he really needs a massage. Just like special gymnastics. You can read how to carry them out below.

Your baby's daily routine by the hour (approximate)

If we talk about how a 2-month-old baby should spend his day, his regime can be roughly divided as follows:

  1. 6 a.m. Waking up and first feeding.
  2. Before 7.30 is the best time to do a little exercise, wash the baby and play with him.
  3. 7.30 - 9.30: Your baby should sleep a little more. During this time, you can go about your business.
  4. At 9.30 am we wake up again and have a second breakfast.
  5. From 9.30 to 11.00 the child will not sleep. Therefore, you can safely get ready for a walk.
  6. From 11.00 to 13.00 the baby should rest. The ideal option would be to sleep in the fresh air.
  7. From one to two o'clock in the afternoon you need to return home, feed the baby and play with him a little.
  8. From 14.30 to 16.30 - time for daytime sleep.
  9. 16.30 - 18.30 the baby wakes up and is ready to play again.
  10. 18.00 - 20.00 time for evening sleep. You don’t have to worry that your 2-month-old baby won’t sleep at night in this case. This definitely won't happen.
  11. 20.00: the baby will wake up and begin to be awake again. You can play with him a little, then give him a bath.
  12. 22.00 - getting ready for bed.
  13. 24.00 last feeding.

What nuances of the daily routine are worth remembering?

Of course, you should understand that 2-month-old babies do not always follow the above routine. It often happens that they set for themselves the sleep and play schedule that they like best. It should be remembered that there is no problem with this. Even if the baby wakes up at 7 am, and not at 6, or falls asleep at 24.00, and not at 22.00. But, as mentioned above, if there are more serious problems with the regime, then it should be gradually changed to the correct one. How to do it? Get used to it first. If you consistently do the same activities every day, your child will get used to them.

How to do gymnastics and swimming?

It is important to bathe your baby at the same time every day. Most mothers choose evening time for this procedure. You can hold the baby with your hands in the bath while dad washes him, or use a special supporting hammock. As a rule, a half-hour bath helps the child “work up” an appetite and sleep well throughout the night. If water procedures, on the contrary, invigorate the baby, it is better to do them in the morning.

Special gymnastics includes straightening and bending the legs, spreading the arms to the sides, gentle stroking and a pleasant massage. A 2-month-old baby will especially like the latter. But remember that it is better not to do such exercises after meals. Also pay attention to the baby’s mood.

Many people believe that a 2-month-old baby is still too small to have a special sleep schedule. But, as periatricians say, it’s never too early to do this. If you want to help your baby make sleep more pleasant, then you should remember these recommendations:

  1. Try to follow the signals that the child himself gives you. Two months is still too early for discipline to form a routine, because the baby adapts to the needs of his body.
  2. It is very important to accurately follow all stages of the routine: walk, eat and play games at the time allocated for this. Then the child’s sleep will come faster and be deeper.
  3. To prevent your baby from developing a negative attitude towards sleep, try not to forcefully rock him to sleep or leave him alone in the room, hoping that this will stop him crying and fall asleep.

Height and weight of a two month old baby

In general, with normal nutrition and no health problems, such a baby should gain up to 900 grams and also grow another 2.5 cm. At the same time, pediatricians indicate that on average the baby’s height should be 62 cm by this time , and weight is about 5600 grams. There is also a gradual increase in the circumference of the chest and head. The first is almost catching up with the second, although it is still a little less.

Diseases, doctors and vaccinations

If your baby was born in the cold season, then by the end of the second month of life he may have problems with a small amount of vitamin D in the body. This can lead to the development of D-deficiency rickets. If a 2-month-old baby's temperature constantly rises, he sweats a lot, the back of his head begins to go bald, and he urinates too often, then you should consult a pediatrician. He may prescribe an increase in the dose of vitamin D, a change in the daily diet, or some special medication.

It also very often happens that 2-month-old children, who previously had no signs of nervous system disorders, but suffered oxygen deprivation in the prenatal period, show symptoms of nervous disorders. This manifests itself in tearfulness, high excitability, trembling of the hands and chin while screaming or crying. In this case, the best solution would be to contact a professional pediatric neurologist.

Of course, a common cold can also appear, because not a single 2-month-old child is immune from it. A runny nose, elevated body temperature, fever and crying are often warning signs. If you notice them in your baby, consult a pediatrician for help. Under no circumstances should you try to cure it yourself, especially if a 2-month-old baby’s temperature rises too quickly.

Games for your baby's development

Of course, this is a very important part in the life of any child. What does a 2 month old baby do besides eat and sleep? Of course he plays. Since its activity time increases, you can spend more time in educational games, but no longer than 25 minutes in a row. What games do experts recommend at this age? An excellent option would be to play “magpie-white-sided,” when mom or dad takes turns fingering the baby’s fingers, pronouncing the words of the rhyme. Thus, the child’s speech apparatus will develop better. Start having a little conversation with your little one. He will answer you, watching his lips move. Since at this time the child likes to wave his legs and arms in the air, sometimes touching hanging toys with them, a pendant with bright animals that also ring after being hit will be an excellent choice. Rocking in a rocking chair is suitable for calm children. For those who are more emotional, it is better to choose light “dancing” around the house.

Exercise and massage for the baby

At this time, you just need to start doing simple exercises with your baby. To begin with, the usual bending and extension of the legs and arms will do, but later you can bend the legs at the knees when the child is in a lying position (on his tummy or back). This massage for a 2-month-old baby is considered the most common. If your baby suffers from improper digestion, then you can easily help him get rid of gases if you lay him on his back, bend his knees and do a light circular tummy massage for a few minutes. Also, to improve your baby’s digestion a little, place him on his tummy at least 3 times a day for a few minutes. At the same time, make sure that in this position the 2-month-old baby holds his head up. If you also combine this process with gentle and light stroking on the back, arms and legs, and buttocks, then the baby will like it even more. Stroking should be done clockwise. To harden your child, you can start air baths from the first months of life. They can be safely combined with laying on the tummy. When you wash the baby, do not use too warm water; if you add a little cool water, this will also become a kind of piercing.

What can a 2 month old baby do?

Your little one is gradually developing and growing. Therefore, already at the age of two months he can do much more than just after birth. So, for example, the child already partially controls his neck muscles. If you lift him by the arms, he will try to hold his head. If earlier the baby could very tightly grab his mother’s hand with his hand, then at this age this often disappears. Don't worry, this is completely normal. The child begins to better monitor the movement of different objects. He listens more often to the sounds coming, reacts to them in his own way. Can be scared or happy. The main feature of a baby at 2 months of age is his ability to focus his gaze on someone’s face. He starts smiling at his mom and dad. While lying on his tummy, the baby can hold his head for a short time. If at this moment you put a bright toy in front of him, he will most likely become interested in it and will focus his eyes on it. During this period of development, it is very important to show the baby to a doctor who will check the tone of his muscles and how correctly his joints are developing. It is also very important to check the correct development of the neck muscles on your first visit to a pediatrician.

In this article:

During the first month of life, the newborn’s body completely adapts to extrauterine life. He already reacts to sounds, distinguishes the intonation of the voice, turns his head and jerks his legs and arms with might and main.

The second month of a newborn’s life is characterized by even greater development. In just a month, his daily routine completely changes. He becomes even more active and receptive to the world around him, his interest in everything new increases several times.

Physiology of the baby

The physiological development of a newborn at 2 months has its own characteristics:

  • the digestive system is already practically established, due to which the child is less likely to be bothered by colic, bloating and abdominal cramps;
  • the immune system increases - the baby’s body, when faced with “unfamiliar” infections, begins to actively produce specific antibodies;
  • the central nervous system is not fully developed, so at this age children are prone to generalization of painful processes that can occur with convulsions, meningoencephalitis or meningitis;
  • body temperature exceeds the temperature of an adult by 0.3 - 0.4 C;
  • the tone of the hands decreases;
  • eye coordination is formed - now the baby not only hears the sound, but also focuses his vision on the object that produces it.

Coordination of the work of hands and vision is also formed - when a child sees an object, he not only looks at it, but also pulls his hands towards it. He begins to follow bright moving objects. If you show him a bright toy while feeding, he will switch his attention to it and stop suckling.

A newborn at 2 months already begins to raise his head, if he is placed on his tummy, and his chest, resting on his arms. This strengthens his muscles. By this time, the crawling reflex disappears, the arms are free to move. But the legs are still compressed and bent at the knees (increased tone), this indicates the presence of Kernig’s symptom (the inability to straighten the joints of the lower extremities while they are bent at the hip).

During this period, the baby also actively begins to gain weight. During the second month of life, he gains 600–800 g in weight, and his height increases by 2–3 cm.

As for stool, in children who are bottle-fed, it occurs about 2 - 3 times a day, and for those who are breastfed - 1 - 2 times. Sometimes there are cases that the intestines of newborns on breastfeeding do not empty for more than a day. This phenomenon is considered normal if the baby is not bothered by abdominal pain, and is due to the fact that mother’s milk is well absorbed in the child’s body.

Psychology of a 2 month old baby

The psychological development of a 2-month-old baby also reaches a new level. He already recognizes voices and recognizes mom and dad by appearance, becomes more cheerful and tries to take part in conversations with adults - he smiles back at them and tries to pronounce sounds. His crying takes on one or another emotional character, which allows parents to determine what is bothering the child - whether he is hungry or frightened by something.

The main indicators of normal psychological development are:

  • the ability to hold the head while lying on your stomach and focus it at the top point for several minutes;
  • the ability to rest your feet while holding it under your armpits;
  • reacts when people talk to him - smiles, snorts, jerks his legs and arms, makes various sounds;
  • close examination of hanging toys;
  • focusing vision on moving bright objects.

At this age, a newborn child begins to react to weather changes, geomagnetic and astronomical phenomena, which is characterized by continuous crying, restless or prolonged sleep, lethargy or excessive activity.

Vision and hearing

A baby at 2 months can already clearly hear voices and distinguish colors. When there is a loud sound, the baby flinches and blinks, and when he hears someone’s voice or a sharp sound, he concentrates and tries to find the source of the sound with his eyes.

Also at this age, children are already beginning to distinguish colors and focus their vision on bright objects. They begin to recognize the facial features of the people who most often surround them. When talking to them, he begins to smile and babble.

It is very important to protect a child at this age from loud and annoying sounds. Since it is during this period that the formation of the central nervous system occurs, and loud sounds are an irritant for it, which can affect the further psychological development of the baby.


A newborn baby at 2 months already holds his head and turns it in different directions, examining the environment around him.

Lying on your back, you begin to lift your upper body, making movements similar to abdominal exercises. If a child is offered fingers as a support, he will begin to rise as if he wants to sit down, and some children actually succeed in this. However, you should not overdo it with such “exercises”, as this can affect the development of the hip joints. In general, doctors do not recommend placing children until 4–5 months of age.

The baby has a great desire to stand, which he tries to do when he is held under the armpits. He begins to straighten his legs and lean on them. This is a natural phenomenon that allows you to reduce the tone of your legs.

The child begins to play with toys, twisting and examining them in his hands. To develop motor skills, he can be given not only large voluminous objects, but also small figures that have different shapes and textures.


At this age, the baby's sleep takes less time than in the first month of his life. Daytime sleep decreases in duration; now the baby sleeps twice for several hours, and several times for several minutes (from 5 to 20). But the time of night sleep increases to 12 hours; naturally, the baby wakes up several times to eat, but then falls asleep easily, and most often this occurs during feeding.

Already at this age, children show themselves as “larks” or “owls”. “Larks” fall asleep at approximately 20:00 and wake up around 6:00 – 7:00 in the morning, while “night owls” fall asleep at approximately 23:00 – 1:00 and wake up around 10:00 – 12:00 in the afternoon.


At this age, the baby is fed exclusively with mother's milk or infant formula. The child has become more active, which means more energy is wasted. To replenish the balance, he needs to eat large amounts of food. So, for example, if in the first month of life, the baby sucked milk from only one breast and this was more than enough for him, then at two months the baby can suck milk from two breasts and for him this is the norm.

Breastfeeding can occur at any time according to the child’s every request (at least every half hour), which cannot be said about feeding the baby with milk formula. Children who are bottle-fed often have problems with bowel movements. As a rule, such babies are often bothered by bloating and clicking in the abdomen. Therefore, feeding with formula milk should occur strictly on schedule, that is, every 3 – 3.5 hours. Since the baby’s need for food has increased, it is necessary to increase the amount of formula diluted.

Motor development

At 2 months a child can:

  • hold head;
  • raise the upper body of the body;
  • “stand” on legs;
  • hold and play with rattles.

The baby begins to actively develop, but you should be extremely careful when playing and holding the baby in your arms. His bones and cartilages have not yet fully strengthened, and any careless movement can lead to a fracture or dislocation.


The baby has already become active, and it’s time for educational games and activities. At 2 months, the child is interested in observing various moving objects, studying the faces of loved ones and the situation in the room. The following activities can be used as educational games:

  • You can hang bright toys above the crib; it will be good if they make different sounds. When they see them, the baby will have a desire to reach out to them and “taste” them. Therefore, if toys are located close to the baby, it is best to use plastic products that are easy to clean. Although soft toys are safer, they accumulate a lot of dust and various microorganisms that can cause infectious diseases or inflammatory processes in the baby’s body;
  • You can take a bell, tie it to a string and hang it at a short distance from the baby’s eyes (about 20–30 cm; close proximity of objects can cause squint). Hide the bell in your palm and move it in different directions. The baby will first react to the sound and look for its source. Then open your palm and show the object to the baby, without stopping moving it. The child will focus on the bell and try to reach it.
  • Your baby's sense of rhythm can be developed by reading books or singing songs. When your child starts making sounds, repeat them so that he can hear them.
  • To help your baby begin to associate your words with objects, take the child in your arms and walk around the room with him, showing him various objects and always saying what they are.

And remember that a child is a personality that is formed thanks to your upbringing. Sing songs and tell him stories only those that evoke positive emotions. He simply needs your constant presence; he cannot yet separate his life from yours, since quite recently you and he were one. Don’t be afraid to spoil your child, because your love and care given to your child now will definitely return to you in the future from him!

Useful video about the development of a two-month-old baby

After birth, babies have a low-grade fever throughout the year, which is not a pathology at all. In a newborn in the first month of life, the thermometer readings range from 36 to 37.4 degrees. Moreover, it decreases while the baby is sleeping, and an increased value is observed during feeding. With each month, the temperature indicators return to normal, so as the baby approaches 1 year of age, slight fluctuations are observed. What should be the temperature of a 2-month-old baby, and is 37 degrees acceptable?

Features of hyperthermia in babies at 2 months

Significant fluctuations in temperature in a 2-month-old child are due to the body’s adaptation to the environment. This means that the baby’s thermoregulation continues to develop, which indicates absolutely normal development of the toddler. The normal temperature for a 2 month old child is 37 degrees. If parents detect such a thermometer reading over a long period, then do not panic.

It is important to know! In children aged two months, the temperature can remain at 37.4 for a long time, which also indicates the absence of pathology. At the same time, it is important to assess the baby’s condition; if there are signs of malaise, you should consult a doctor.

The main signs of a baby’s illness include the following symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • fatigue;
  • moodiness;
  • anxiety;
  • temperature value is above 37.4 degrees.

If these symptoms develop in a 2-month-old child, you should immediately consult a doctor. Reduced thermometer readings below 36.6 degrees are also not a pathology, especially if measurements are taken while the baby is sleeping. A temperature of 36 degrees and below is normal, but only if its value lasts for a short time. A low temperature in a child during infancy may also indicate pathology, but for this you need to show the baby to a pediatrician. Low temperature readings mostly occur in babies who were born before or after their due date.

It is important to know! Before judging that a child has a temperature, you should make sure that the measurements taken are correct.

Features of correct measurement of hyperthermia in children

Temperature readings in a child at 2 months depend not only on his age, but also on the characteristics of the measurement. At 2 months, a child’s temperature can be measured in the following ways:

  1. Rectal method. The second most popular way to measure the value of hyperthermia in infants. Measurements are carried out directly in the rectum, and the normal temperature in a child aged two months using this measurement method is from 36.8 to 37.6 degrees. For measurements, you should use an electronic type thermometer, which has the main advantage over mercury - it is safety.
  2. Oral method. A 2-month-old child's temperature can be measured by placing a thermometer in the mouth. For measurements, you should use exclusively an electronic thermometer, as in the previous case. In addition, children aged 2 months are recommended to take measurements using special thermometers in the form of pacifiers. The cost of such a thermometer is 2-3 times more than an electronic one, but at the same time you can quickly and easily take measurements. It is not recommended to use a mercury thermometer for babies aged 2 months to measure temperature, as children can damage the integrity of the device, which will lead to the development of dangerous consequences.
  3. Underarm method. A classic measurement option that can be preferred from the 5th month of a toddler’s life. This measurement method is not advisable for children aged 2 months, since children still have very small and fragile hands to press the device. In addition, the child must hold the device for at least 5-7 minutes, which is quite difficult to do.
  4. In the ear canal. This method is also not suitable for children aged 2 months, since the diameter of the ear canal in babies is very small. In this way, temperature measurements can be taken in children from five months. The advantage of this method is the high speed of obtaining results, as well as the ease of measurement.

Why do babies develop fever at 2 months?

At three years old, a child’s temperature of 37 indicates the development of pathology, while in children at 2 months this value is absolutely normal, but provided there are no signs of deterioration in health. A temperature of 38 in a 2-month-old baby certainly indicates a developing malaise, so appropriate measures must be taken. We will find out what to do in such a situation below, but first we need to find out why children at 2 months of age may have a fever to subfebrile levels. The main reasons that a child at 2 months has a temperature of 37 are:

  1. Overheating of the body. After the baby is born, mothers strive to protect it from all negative factors. Some of the main mistakes that parents make are: tight swaddling, overheating of the air in the room, frequent walks in direct sunlight.
  2. Teething. Children at this age have not yet begun to erupt teeth, except in rare cases. It is not difficult to identify signs of teething in a baby. If a child is capricious, refuses food, and also has increased salivation, then this most likely indicates the eruption of the first baby tooth. When teething, children's temperature rises to 37.2 degrees.
  3. Reaction to vaccination. From birth, children are vaccinated against various diseases. Often a slight increase in temperature up to 37 in a 2-month-old baby can occur in response to a reaction from the administered vaccine. Hyperthermia may not increase after all types of vaccinations, so you should check with your doctor about possible side symptoms of vaccinations.
  4. Bacterial infections. Children at 2 months still have a very weak and immature immune system. This means that the body is susceptible to the negative influence of various factors, including bacterial infections. With bacterial diseases that are predominantly inflammatory in nature, an increase in temperature to 38 degrees is observed. Bacterial diseases include types of ailments such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia. To treat bacterial diseases, it is necessary to resort to the use of antibiotic drugs, which must be prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Children's diseases. These diseases include: measles, rubella, mumps, whooping cough. These diseases are quite difficult to miss, as they occur with the development of additional symptoms.

In addition, the baby’s temperature can rise to 38 degrees due to nervous strain, which is often diagnosed in children with pathological abnormalities of the nervous system.

How to properly reduce children's temperature

Before taking any measures to improve the baby’s well-being, you need to consult with your local doctor or go to the hospital. The infant body is quite sensitive to the effects of various medications, so you should not resort to self-medication at all.

To reduce the temperature, it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs that are intended specifically for children. Children aged 2 months can lower their temperature not with all medications, but only with some. These are children's antipyretics such as Efferalgan, Cefekon D and others. Ibuprofen-based medications can be used starting from 3 months. For babies under 3 months, antipyretics based on paracetamol can be used.

It is important to know! It is strictly forbidden to lower the baby's temperature with Aspirin, Acetylsalicylic acid and No-shpa.

No-shpu can be used to reduce the temperature of children from the age of 1 year, and only in case of the development of a febrile state. Aspirin and Acetylsalicylic acid can be used no earlier than 14 years of age.

Even a very small child, in comparison, is already obviously huge. First of all, his view changes, he becomes more focused and meaningful. The child’s viewing angle and field of vision expands, he is actively interested in what he sees, examines bright toys and people’s faces. If you move a toy in front of his eyes, the child concentrates his gaze on it and turns his head quite quickly following your movements. He can also respond to sound, turning his head to the sound of a rattle.

The baby already knows how to laugh, reacting to his mother’s voice and playing with his parents. He recognizes his loved ones by greeting them with a smile. At this age, the speech apparatus is already more developed; the child pronounces the sounds “a”, “u”, “o” and actively “booms” when adults talk to him.

The more you pay attention to your baby, play and talk with him, the faster he will develop new skills and abilities.

Physical development of a child at 2 months

If the baby is developing properly, at 2 months he will spend much more time awake. He does not fall asleep immediately after feeding, but can lie in the crib, watching his parents and moving his arms and legs. The child’s movements become more coordinated, he stops throwing his hands up chaotically, and begins to control them: he reaches for the toy he likes, tries to touch objects that interest him, and deliberately touches his face. If you give your baby a toy, he may hold it in his hands for a short time.

The child’s reaction to a sharp sound, bright light, pain, hunger or other irritant remains, as before, crying. But by this time, parents can already distinguish its features, because the baby always cries in different ways.

At 2 months, children are able to control their neck muscles and hold their head much better. Lying on his stomach, the child can raise his head and hold it in an upright position for a long time, watching adults. Some babies at this age confidently raise their upper back, rest on their arms and look around.

With good physical development of the child, he can turn from his back to his side and change the position of his body on the surface, for example, turn around in his sleep.

At 2 months old, the sucking reflex is actively developed. Children usually consciously suck a fist or several fingers to self-soothe. This skill helps babies calm down and fall asleep.

In the first months of life, the pace of development of babies is simply amazing; in a few months, an absolutely helpless newborn grows into a completely self-confident creature who turns upside down not only the whole house, but also the entire lives of the adults around him! That is why, during the first year of life, mothers with babies should visit a pediatrician monthly, where control weighing and measurements are carried out, and the compliance of the child’s physical and neuropsychic development with age standards is assessed. But, unfortunately, pediatricians do not always have enough time to question and examine each child in detail, and any deviation from the norm at this age must be immediately diagnosed, so parents must monitor this themselves and know exactly what a child should be able to do at 2 months.

Physical development of the baby

In the second month of life, the baby’s physical development proceeds at a rapid pace, he spends less time sleeping, at this age children sleep 16-18 hours a day, move more and acquire some skills.

Weight gain in 2nd month is 400-1000 g, most often 600-700 g, the child’s weight should increase by at least 1 kg from the initial body weight, he adds 2-3 cm in height, chest and head circumference also increase by 1.5-2 cm.

Parents note the high motor activity of the awake baby compared to 1 month of life - he willingly turns his head in different directions, lifts it when he hears some sound or sees something interesting.

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The baby tries to move his legs and arms a lot, the movements are still disordered and chaotic, but purposeful activity begins to appear in them - the child tries to grab any object that appears in his field of vision and, if this works, he puts it in his mouth.

Lying on his back or stomach, the baby bends his back, raises his legs, and tries to raise his head. If you lay him on his tummy, he lifts and holds his head, can turn it in different directions and makes movements with his arms and legs, as if he is trying to crawl.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 2 months

It is in the 2nd month of life that the child begins to become more closely acquainted with the world and people around him. If in the first month the baby was more interested in food and his own comfort, in the second month he begins to actively take an interest in everything that surrounds him - the baby listens to new sounds, reaches out to bright objects he sees, begins to express his emotions by crying, smiling, and humming. . At this time, close communication between the mother and the child is very important, since his emotional sphere begins to actively develop and he requires constant attention and a sense of security.

At 2 months, a child can focus his gaze on objects located at a distance of 40-50 cm from his eyes, he examines rattles and toys hanging over a crib or stroller, peers into the faces of those around him, begins to recognize not only his mother, but also other adults whom sees often. He follows with his eyes objects appearing in his field of vision, hearing some sound, tries to find its source - turns his head in the direction where the sound came from, listens.

At 2 months, the baby begins to show the first conscious emotions and learns to perform specific actions in order to get the desired result. For example, he may smile when his mother approaches his crib and begin to cry if a stranger takes him in her arms. Also, already a 2-month-old baby begins to build cause-and-effect relationships - he understands that in order to be approached he must cry or scream loudly and uses this method to attract attention to himself. During this period, the emotional component of communication with the child is very important; the mother and other adults caring for the baby must pay enough attention to him; at this age he feels a constant need for the presence of the mother, for her touch, voice, smiles and communication. If this need remains unsatisfied, the child's mental and emotional development slows down, and he may grow up to be an emotionally cold and selfish person.

A normally developing 2 month old baby should be able to do most of the following:

  • Raise and hold your head in a position on your stomach and back;
  • Follow with your eyes an object moving at a distance of 50-70 cm;
  • Listen to unfamiliar sounds and turn your head in search of the source of the sound;
  • Rejoice and give off a complex of revival at the sight of mother and other close relatives;
  • Smile and walk;
  • Pay attention to bright toys and objects;
  • Trying to pick up and hold toys in your hand;
  • Make some sounds, having made a sound, he listens to it, and his crying becomes emotionally charged, by its sound you can understand what the baby needs, why he is crying - from hunger, boredom or pain;
  • Muscle hypertonicity decreases when the baby lies on his back, his legs and arms should be relaxed.

Warning signs

The development of each child is a strictly individual process, so do not be scared or worried if your baby is not yet doing all of the above, but if you notice one or more of the signs listed below in your baby, this is at least a reason to see a doctor for more detailed consultation.

Life style