Wedding of Sati Casanova in Ossetia. Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo: “everyone cried at our wedding in North Ossetia...” - photo

Russian show business star Sati Casanova spoke in an interview with StarHit about the ceremony they organized in honor of the wedding in the bride’s homeland, North Ossetia.

Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo gave their first joint interview after marriage, in which they shared with StarHit their plans for the future and their impressions of meeting each other’s parents.

A week ago, Sati and her lover, Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo, got married. Having signed in one of the Moscow registry offices, they went to the Caucasus to arrange a holiday for their loved ones.

- Half of the celebrations are over, the Italian part remains. Have you exhaled?

Sati Casanova: In the Caucasus, everything was quite modest. My team and I were in charge of the organization. Stefano trusted completely. I was amazed by the hospitality of the hotel in North Ossetia, the owner of which is my friend Tamerlan. This is a magical place in the mountains where we, our families, spent three days.

- What moment do you remember?

Sati Casanova: Two toasts touched me, I cried. First from my husband's brother - Christiano. And at the end my dad said. Everyone was crying. I realize how difficult it was for my loved ones to know that I was marrying a person of a different culture. The father uttered a deep thought that we are all under God, and that it is only His will whether there will be a union of two souls or not. That now I belong to my Italian family, and their customs, traditions and laws for me should become as dear and indisputable as the customs of the Circassian people.

- You met at a holiday in Germany. At what point did you realize that this was love?

Stefano Tiozzo: Four months passed after the first meeting at the wedding of brother Christiano and Sati’s friend Marina. When we saw each other again, we felt that something was happening. A series of correspondence, calls, Skype followed...

Sati Casanova: When I arrived at that celebration, the ceremony had already begun. I went into the tent, but didn’t know that the bride’s relatives and friends were sitting on the left, and the groom’s side on the right. Automatically sat down in front of Stefano’s mom and dad. She, embarrassed, asked me to move so as not to block the view. And on the left everyone was waving - they say, come here! There were many signs. Stefano, a skeptic by nature, began to have dreams. Everything indicated that we should be together.

- What is your ideal man? Does your husband look like the prince from your childhood dreams?

Sati Casanova: Once upon a time there were pictures: dark-haired, successful, generous. But there are no templates left for a long time. My mistake in the past was precisely that I made everyone fit the stencil. Now I’m just sure that I’ve met the best man. I admire the purity of his heart and optimism.

Stefano Tiozzo: And I was lucky to find the most beautiful girl in the world! Tender, sincere, strong, but at the same time childishly spontaneous.

- Sati, Stefano probably didn’t manage to win you over right away?

Sati Casanova: The beloved did not have to do this in the usual sense of “flowers and candy.” I was first captivated by my talent and vision of the world. When I looked at his photographs, I got goosebumps. Then I fell in love with him as a man. And I realized how broad his views on life were. I felt cramped and stuffy with others because of all sorts of prohibitions. I limited myself, and I met the same ones.

- Did your parents approve of your choice?

Stefano Tiozzo: Even at my brother’s wedding, my mother stood and chirped, looking at Sati: “How beautiful!” When six months later I announced to my parents that I was in a serious relationship with this girl, they were shocked and delighted. Mom asked: “How can I communicate with her? After all, Satisha doesn’t know Italian, and I don’t know Russian or English!”

Sati Casanova: For now we communicate through Stefano. But I give myself a year and a half to master the language of my loved one and learn to drive a car. I met my parents two months ago. It felt like we had been family for a long time. Mom is still a little worried that I might go abroad. Like, we see each other so little anyway. I reassure you: planes fly from there just as often.

- What country do you plan to live in?

Sati Casanova: For now in Russia. And go to Stefano’s parents, his relatives. The fact that my husband is ready to move to Moscow for my sake is a heroic act. I know what he is giving up - the friends he is close to, the world he is used to being in. I am immensely grateful to him for this.

Stefano Tiozzo: I am delighted with your country, especially with the cold! Despite being a southerner, I love frosts. As a traveler, I specialize in countries such as Iceland, Finland, and Norway. I spend the winter months there on expeditions. I visited Russia several years ago, traveled along the Trans-Siberian Railway - from Moscow to Irkutsk by train. I made films and took photographs.

Sati Casanova: And now I introduced my husband to my native Caucasus.

Stefano Tiozzo: It's amazing here. I also dream of going to Kamchatka. We have a lot of travel ahead of us. I want my beloved to accompany me.

Sati Casanova: I will try! And you will go on tour with me when you have the opportunity.

Sati Casanova: Of course. When I can get angry, he is calm and cool. And vice versa. Recently there was an incident on the set. On the sleeve of the jacket the husband was wearing in the shot, there was a price tag left - large and noticeable. He sat in the studio for three hours and only discovered it at the very end. Stefano was furious. Fair enough, I think. This is neglect. He himself takes everything with great responsibility... Wedding troubles are actually also a hellish test. When I started to have a nervous tic, he just had to come up and say a couple of phrases, and I was already laughing.

- Now Sati will also have to master Italian cuisine?

Sati Casanova: I'm going to. My husband loves pasta, pizza, pesto - especially the way his mother makes it. And everything I cook.

Stefano Tiozzo: As long as you don't overdo it with spices. I love potatoes and buckwheat with mushrooms. From Caucasian cuisine I liked lobio and pkhali.

- Is Russian culture close to you?

Stefano Tiozzo: I listen to Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky and old Russian songs, especially military ones - “Earring with Malaya Bronnaya”, “Blue Handkerchief”. I know little about poets and writers, but I intend to correct that.

Sati Casanova: I will help - because now we are family!

In the Italian region of Piedmont, somewhere between Switzerland and France, there is a small picturesque region of the Langhe, framed by the Tanaro River. Here, among the vineyards, ancient castles and monasteries, small cozy towns and villages are lost. The air in Langhe smells of Barolo and Barbaresco wine, precious white truffles and truly Piedmontese desserts - tiramisu and panna cotta. It is not surprising that it was here that Casanova and Tiozzo decided to have their big Italian wedding.

We spoke with the newlyweds immediately upon arrival in Moscow, or rather, an hour after their plane landed at Sheremetyevo.

Do you mind if we chat and cook dinner at the same time? - asked Sati Casanova on Skype. - The water has boiled, let's cook the pasta. It's almost 12 am, and we have pasta. A real Italian family. (Laughs.)

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! How did everything go?

Thank you very much! It was a super day for us. On the one hand, there is great joy and fun, on the other - a huge burden and stress. The celebration in Italy was the final step of our big wedding marathon. The first celebration took place in Moscow with close friends, the second was personal, just for the two of us... The third ceremony was in the Caucasus, and now the fourth took place in Italy.

Tiozzo and Casanova - read the couple's love story

Stefano woke up at 6 am to go pick up all the bridesmaids and the makeup artist, and I could sleep longer and not fuss. Thanks to this I was in a wonderful mood. And I, cheerful and well-rested, went downstairs only at 8 am, where my sleepy girlfriends and Stefano were waiting for me. (Smiles.)

So you weren't nervous before the wedding?

I was absolutely calm and confident. Half an hour before the celebration, we had a small impromptu wedding ceremony, led by Stefano’s brother Cristiano. He portrayed the mayor of the city and said the following words: “By the power given to me by this region, I declare you husband and wife.” We came up with this ritual for the sake of our large Italian family and friends. In Italy, the wedding takes place in a Catholic church, which could not happen in our case, since I was born into a Muslim family, and Stefano into a Catholic one. Respecting each other and not wanting to upset our relatives, we came to this compromise.

The morning before the wedding. For the ceremony, Sati chose a dress with lace and complemented the look with an Axenoff Jewelery tiara and Jimmy Choo sandals, which were given to her by Wedding by Mercury. “They were very comfortable and matched my outfit perfectly.”

“Stefano personally selected the place for our wedding in Italy - he wanted it to symbolize exactly the region where he was born and raised - this is Turin and its surroundings,” says Casanova

Who prepared the celebration?

We had a wedding agent, but I did almost everything myself. In Italy, it is customary for the bride to prepare for the wedding. It is she who chooses the color of the tablecloths, flowers, wine, menu and cake, but because of work, Sati could not be in Italy all the time, so I took over everything.

And on our wedding day, Stefano didn’t sit down for a minute. He ran around, checked and controlled everything. And I, along with my family, destroyed his entire carefully planned plan with my leisurely pace. We started everything three hours late! Instead of starting the photo shoot at 12 noon, we entered the frame at 3 pm. There was very little time left before the ceremony began, and it was still cold, so we quickly took a few photos and ran away. It was clear how upset the photographer was, and Stefano became even more familiar with the peculiarities of our mentality: remember the jokes about Caucasian punctuality? If you tell a mountaineer to arrive at 12, he will arrive in the evening at best. (Laughs.)

Did it really take you that long to get ready?

We did not resort to the services of Italian makeup artists and brought my artist to the wedding. She cooked all the bridesmaids and me, so it took quite a long time. A few minutes before going out, like a true bride, I began to get nervous and asked me to change my color and hairstyle differently. (Laughs.) We were seriously behind schedule, and I became even more worried, and there was such a bustle around - everyone was buzzing, crowding and rushing. Then I thought: if they ever ask me for advice on how to look great on your wedding day, I will say: you need to lock yourself in the quietest and most comfortable room with your stylist and makeup artist, listen to mantras or Chopin in the background and not let anyone in.

The official wedding of Sati and Stefano took place in Moscow in September this year. And in Italy, a small impromptu ceremony was held, led by Stefano's brother, Cristiano. Portraying the mayor of the city, he declared Sati and Stefano husband and wife to general applause. For the ceremony, the bride wore a fluffy dress, which she picked out at the Vanilla wedding salon.

How did your parents feel amid all this wedding fuss?

They arrived an hour before the ceremony, so they didn’t feel all the excitement. (Smiles.) And before that we had a great time with Stefano’s parents, who organized leisure time for them - they showed Turin and other attractions of the region. Every evening we dined at Stefano's house, where his mother treated us to delicious Italian dishes.

(In Russian.) My mother is a real hero, she cooked for 20 people every day!

The table was laden with appetizers, hot dishes and desserts, and she kept chirping: “Does this taste good to you? Shall I put this in?” (Smiles.) That's why my parents felt at home.

According to Tiozzo, everything took place in such a natural and relaxed atmosphere that no one even noticed the photographer. “We didn’t pose, and everything that happened around was reminiscent of a funny plot of a film that could be called “My Big Italian Wedding”

Perhaps in this way Italians are similar to Caucasians?

I think Stefano’s mother, Lorenza, would give all Caucasian housewives a run for their money. (Smiles.) In fact, I was very lucky that I met such a wonderful family on my way, who accepted me and my parents so wonderfully. All five days that we spent in Italy, we talked tirelessly. Thanks to the fact that my sister Madina knows Italian perfectly, and my father Stefano knows English, we did not have any translation difficulties. We discussed everything: politics, religion, culture. I remember one very touching moment. One evening, Stefano’s father suggested we go into the hall, where they have a piano, so that Cristiano, my husband’s older brother, would play something for us. And when he started playing, everyone froze. The children didn’t even move for 15 minutes. After Christiano finished playing, my father came up to him, hugged him and said: “In your music I feel God and his love.” It's amazing how close our families have become.

Tell us more about the place where your wedding took place? It looks like an old estate with vineyards.

This is a small boutique hotel Antico Podere Tota Virginia in Piedmont, in the Langhe region, on the territory of a huge vineyard, which is on the UNESCO Heritage List. Some of the most expensive wines in the world are produced there. Stefano chose the place for the celebration; he had about ten options. And he really wanted this place to symbolize exactly the region where he was born and raised. He visited, examined, sent me photographs and videos, and consulted. In the end, there were two options left: this vineyard and a luxurious castle - with columns, stairs, rich history and a Michelin-starred restaurant. But we didn’t want a pretentious wedding; first of all, it was a warm family holiday, so we opted for a vineyard.

Sati, you chose the wedding dress very well. It fit harmoniously into the setting and landscapes.

I matched it to the tiara that designer Pyotr Aksenov gave me a few months before the wedding. It is from his latest collection dedicated to Russian ballet. The tiara depicts two swans looking at each other. In search of a dress, I visited dozens of wedding salons in Moscow, but could not find anything I liked. The measurements were lush, fitted, light and heavy - trimmed with beads, lace and rhinestones, but everything was by the way. And when I was already tired and, one might say, desperate, my friend Amina came to the rescue. She pointed to a dress that I didn't notice at first. I put it on and my eye lit up: it was exactly the outfit I had dreamed of! It was slightly adjusted to my figure - the image turned out to be something between a bride, a princess and a ballerina. (Smiles.)

Sati's sisters and close friends from Nalchik flew to the wedding

Sati was extremely beautiful. True, in the middle of the evening she decided to change this dress to another. Apparently, when the outfit was sewn in, it was made a little tight. Plus, Sati was nervous before the ceremony... I remember she came up to me and said: “I can’t breathe.” She felt bad. And we ran to change clothes.

Fortunately, among the guests was my friend Svetlana, who developed a unique method of relaxing massage. In just ten minutes she was able to bring me to my senses, and we returned to the guests.

As people who have played four weddings, can you say what is most important in this celebration?

So that your parents are happy, approve of your union and be there on this wonderful day. This is very important for future family relationships. After all, from time immemorial, children have asked for blessings from their parents. And when my family left Italy, my mother and father told me: “Please respect Stefano’s family, be patient, wise, attentive, a good wife. They are wonderful people.” And for me the words of my parents are most important.

In the middle of the evening, Sati put on her second wedding dress and performed her song “Thank You” to the accompaniment of

The celebrations are over, you can finally relax and devote time only to yourself.

Yes, we are going on a honeymoon to the Maldives, and then we are going to live in Moscow, since I have work here, but Stefano, due to his profession, is not tied to any country. But we want to find the opportunity to live in Italy for at least a few months a year - after all, when it’s cold and cloudy here, there’s sun and delicious food.

I love rain and snow, but in Russia this period lasts for months. I don’t understand how you can live for so long without sunlight? Therefore, from time to time I am going to take my beloved to Italy - to recharge with our gentle Turin sun.

For several months, Sati Casanova did not go into details about her personal life. Sometimes she just said that she had met true love, a man with whom she felt very good. But at the end of August this year, the famous singer and actress admitted that she was going to get married. Not long ago the wedding of Sati Casanova took place in Ossetia.

The famous singer Sati got married, her chosen one was the Italian Stefano Tiozzo. Casanova warned fans that she was not going to openly advertise the celebration, but still would not make the ceremony a secret. Sati said that all caring fans will be able to admire the main event in her life through her Instagram account. The network page already has several photos from Sati Casanova’s wedding.

Everyone knows that Sati respects the culture of her people and honors customs and traditions, so the wedding ceremony took place in Casanova’s homeland.

At the ceremony, the artist appeared in a beautiful white dress, which was decorated with national golden embroidery. The Circassian headdress also looked great on Sati. In turn, Stefano was also dressed in a national costume; it should be noted that the young man looked very stately.

At the first part of the wedding, all the numerous relatives of the bride gathered. Dancing songs began early in the morning, the groom was even a little confused from the excessive attention to him. Stefano now knows the Caucasian customs, where the wedding table is bursting with national dishes, the wine flows like a river, hospitable people sincerely toast, and the songs and dances simply do not end.

The celebration took place in the most prestigious restaurant in the Kurtatinsky Gorge. For relatives who came from different parts of the Caucasus, a hotel that belonged to Sati’s friend Tamerlan was rented for several days. The establishment is located in the most picturesque place of the gorge, the newlyweds and guests could enjoy the irresistible natural beauty.

Following the customs, Sati and Stefano performed a beautiful national dance. The singer said that her husband is ready to adhere to national traditions, both at the ceremony itself and in everyday life.

There is a short video from Sati Casanova’s wedding in Ossetia that conveys the full flavor of the feast taking place. Sati's relatives and friends were present at the wedding celebration. The bride's friends were dressed in beautiful burgundy dresses, sewn according to national Caucasian designs. The wedding of Sati Casanova in Ossetia was played according to the traditions of Kabardino-Balkaria.

In one of the interviews, Casanova said that she never imagined that a foreigner would become her husband. Sati believed that such marriages easily break up due to different cultures, mentalities, and languages. But fate decreed otherwise; the paths of Sati and Stefano crossed. The young people met at the wedding of Casanova’s friend and brother Stefano Tiozzo, which took place in Germany.

The ceremony took place in Indian style with the obligatory rituals and customs of this country. Sati looked at this fairy-tale wedding rather skeptically and internally wondered what all this was for if people do not know how to love and support each other. Next to the couple, Casanova saw an interesting young man with a camera in his hands, it was Stefano. The young man also studied Sati intently.

At that time, the guy knew practically nothing about Sati, only that the girl was a popular singer from Russia. After performing several songs, Stefano approached her and said that she had a beautiful voice, to which the singer simply replied thank you. A little later, being already in a relationship, the young man admitted that according to his first impressions, the girl seemed to him “an arrogant conceit.”

That evening Stefano Tiozzo was also skeptical about girls and marriage, he had already had bad experiences with the opposite sex.

But, oddly enough, unusual events began to occur later in the evening. So, when all the guests lined up to receive gifts from the spiritual master, Stefan and Sati found themselves next to each other, in just five minutes several people approached the girl and whispered about how great they looked with the young Italian photographer.

After receiving the gifts, everyone began to sit down to open them, Sati accidentally sat down next to the master, and Stefano sat down on the other side. Swami smiled and, pointing to the young man, made a heart in the air with his finger.

Development of a relationship

The young people met again only a few months later. That evening, Sati and Stefano talked a lot and for a long time, after which they became interested in each other. Further, there were meetings for walks, even then the singer understood his humor and way of thinking. After one of the meetings, Sati realized how uniquely the young man saw the world. Stefano was interested in what his companion was thinking about, how she lived, what was important to her in life.

The young people exchanged phone numbers, after which Stefano left for India. A talented photographer sent the best photographs taken at the Sati festival every evening. The girl sincerely admired Stefano’s talent; at such moments the singer realized that she was in love with a photographer from Italy. Returning from a trip, the young people decided to talk on Skype.

Sati saw the same thing happening to her lover. Stefano was very worried, like Casanova, during this communication the young people admitted to each other that something unusual was happening between them. A frank conversation took place in which Sati and Stefano shared their fears about the relationship.

A week later, it seemed to the young people that they had known each other for a thousand years. Every day, online conversations lasted five hours or more.

The next meeting of lovers took place during a Casanova concert in Geneva. Before arriving, Stefano timidly asked Sati for permission. She agreed, having met, the young people felt absolutely natural, being nearby, as Sati noted, at that moment everything was clear and transparent. During this meeting, the romantic relationship grew into more serious and deep feelings.

A month later, the young people met in Riga. For four days they were inseparable, walking around the city, looking at the sights, talking about everything in the world. Sati realized that there was a person next to her who did not want to change her, he was satisfied with everything about her. At that time, they had known each other for less than a year, but later it turned out that this does not really matter when there are real feelings and complete mutual understanding of each other.


At one of the meetings, the lovers talked about how they would live next. And Stefano suggested that he needed to temporarily live in Russia and wait until Sati learned his language and adapted to the new situation. To which the singer was surprised and asked her lover what situation he was talking about.

Stefano continued the conversation and said that he was thinking about the time when Sati would become his wife. A little embarrassed, the young man asked: “Will you be my wife?” Without doubt, Sati said “yes.”

The young man only regretted that he had proposed in the wrong way, but the girl convinced him that following the “standard script” was not important. A few minutes later Stefano told an amazing dream. He dreamed of the same Swami from their first meeting, he extended his palm to Stefano, on which little Sati was, and told him: “Take care of her, this is a gift from God to you.”

After this, the young man in love said that he would be happy if Sati was his wife. A few minutes later, the couple discussed their future together. Today fans know that Sati Casanova’s wedding had already taken place in Ossetia, but then the lovers had to take another serious step.


The first acquaintance with Stefano's parents took place at his brother's wedding, and when the young people were in love with each other. The Italian solemnly announced this news to his parents.

Stefano’s mother immediately became excited, expressing her admiration; she could not understand how communication would take place between them, because the girl did not know Italian. A little later, the famous singer assured her future mother-in-law that she would definitely learn the language.

This event took place at a dinner hosted by Stefano's family. The young man’s mother tried very hard, preparing various vegetarian dishes, since Sati herself and her chosen one do not eat animal products. Brother Stefano and his wife Marina, Sati’s friend, were also present at the dinner. The atmosphere was comfortable, easy, everyone laughed a lot, told different stories and just talked.

At one point, Stefano began to push the naked girl under the table, thus giving special signs. Previously, the young people agreed that they would announce together that they wanted to get married; for this, Casanova learned several phrases in Italian. But time passed, and the lovers still did not dare to tell Stefano’s parents about their intentions. The phrase should have sounded something like this: “Dear parents, we have decided to get married because we love each other and ask for your blessing.”

At the end of the dinner, Sati became agitated and invited the young man to make a statement on his own. When Stefano uttered the cherished phrases, the father was the first to react; he gave his blessing for the marriage, pronouncing these words in English so that Sati understood the meaning of what was said. After which he hugged the girl and his son, saying the following: “From now on, you are my daughter, now you are in my heart, I accept you into the family.”

Stefano knew Sati’s parents in absentia before the wedding; they often communicated on Skype, the girl acted as a translator, but the young man also tried and even learned several phrases in the Kabardian language. Mom and dad liked the young man, they saw how happy their daughter was, so they gladly accepted Stefano.

Photos from the wedding feast of Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo

To make everyone comfortable, the young people decided that the holiday would take place in three versions. First, the couple registered in Moscow. The second feast on the table was Sati Casanova’s wedding in Ossetia, which was traditional for her family. There was also a wedding in Italy, where the young man’s relatives and friends were present.

For more than a year, Sati Casanova did not comment on her personal life, she only hinted: yes, she met her beloved man, with whom she feels very good. But still, at the end of August 2017, I admitted in an interview that I would soon get married. Her chosen one is far from show business; he is Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo. Lives in Turin, but travels a lot around the world. The lovers are planning to have three weddings: for friends, for the bride’s Caucasian relatives, and to organize an Italian celebration for the groom’s relatives.

And today, October 14, the first part of the celebration was held in the Caucasus - for the bride’s relatives. Judging by the video, all the singer’s relatives came to the celebration. And this wedding sang and danced from early morning. The groom, it seems, was even a little stunned by so much attention to his person. Yes, and what a “Caucasian custom” is, I felt for myself: national dishes, wine, dancing - the holiday went on non-stop. On the other hand, one can understand family. A famous daughter is getting married, isn’t this a reason for a big celebration in Fiagdon?! The most expensive restaurant, the most luxurious gifts, the best toasts - everything for Sati.

By the way, Stefano Tiozzo chose a traditional Kabardian costume for the Caucasian part of the wedding, matching the bride, who also wore a white national outfit with golden embroidery on the hem. She complemented the image of the ex-soloist of the Fabrika group with a national headdress.

By the way, the Italian groom had already become friends with the bride’s family and was warmly received by the relatives. Casanova's parents are confident that their daughter will be happy with Stefano.

“He’s already talked to mom and dad both in person and on Skype—they really liked him. He teaches Russian especially for them - reads, translates with a dictionary. We are waiting for his family from Italy. We’ll show them Lezginka, treat them to local cuisine, and all the action will take place in the mountains, so that they can see the beauty of the mountains of Elbrus and Ossetia,” the star told about the celebration a little earlier.

Sati and Stefano met in Germany at a friends wedding. Casanova at that time was disappointed in love and did not pay attention to the sultry Italian. The future spouses examined each other after the wedding, at a dinner party. The lovers communicate mainly in English, although Stefano is actively learning Russian.

“For now we will live in two countries.” Stefano says this: “My work does not tie me to any particular place. I can go anywhere in the world from Moscow just like from Italy. And for you it is important to be in Russia, here is your career and your life." I don’t know Italian, I don’t know how to drive - without this it will be very difficult for me in Italy. We need to prepare. Therefore, for the first time we will live here in Russia. I I understand what Stefano sacrifices, leaving his friends and his hobbies, but he is ready to do it,” the singer said about her plans for her future family life.

The wedding of Sati Casanova and her Italian partner Stefano Tiozzo, or rather the official wedding registration, took place on October 4, 2017. A more magnificent celebration of the painting of the newlyweds, according to the singer herself, should take place in 3 stages.

Sati Casanova: biography

The young singer was born on October 2, 1982 in Kabardino-Balkaria into a large Muslim family. In addition to Sati, her parents had 3 more daughters. The future singer spent her entire childhood in her native village, where she studied. First at school, which she graduated with success, and then at the cultural school.

Sati's father always adhered to fairly strict moral rules, and when the young girl began performing in one of the restaurants in Nalchik, such behavior caused strong indignation in the family. After working as a singer for some time, the young girl set off to conquer Moscow.

Sati's finest hour

Arriving in the capital, young Casanova immediately submitted documents for pop-jazz vocals to the Academy of Music. The girl's training took place in absentia. Therefore, she devoted her free time to working part-time in the music show “Voyage of Dreams.”

In 2001, the “Star Factory” project was launched, which helped Casanova to realize herself and gain popularity among millions of television viewers watching the lives of young musicians present on the TV show. Sati Casanova successfully passed the casting and became one of the participants in the project, which served as a springboard for the famous star in Russian show business.

The young singer proved herself at the “Star Factory”, demonstrating her talent and external beauty, and a year later the producer of the project, Igor Matvienko, took the young beauty into the “Factory” group, in which the girl performed for 8 years. But in 2010, Casanova announced her departure from the team. Since that time, the girl began to pursue a solo career.

Personal life

Until recently, the 35-year-old singer denied rumors about her upcoming wedding with an Italian. Sati Casanova explained her action by saying that she prefers to keep her personal life secret from outsiders, not giving journalists unnecessary topics to discuss.

However, in early August of this year, the popular singer, accompanied by a charming and slender brunette, was noticed at the entrance to the Wedding Palace at No. 4, which, by the way, is the only institution in the capital where citizens can register relationships with foreigners. The ex-soloist of the Factory group filled out documents indicating the imminent registration of marriage. From that moment on, information appeared in the media about the upcoming wedding of Sati Casanova , supported by facts.

According to the ex-soloist of the Factory group, she never thought that she would marry a foreigner. Because she assumed that such marriages were doomed - due to different mentalities, outlooks on life and the language barrier.

Love story of Sati and Stefano

As it turned out, the singer is really planning a wedding. Her future husband is a famous photographer in Italy, whose name is Stefano Tiozzo. As a rule, he specializes in photographing natural landscapes. However, not so long ago he boasted of a photograph of Sati against the backdrop of a blooming lavender floor. The girl, for her part, gave her beloved a return gift by filming her husband in a video clip called “Thank you.”

The young people met about a year ago. Their meeting took place at the wedding of Marina’s friend and Stefano’s brother, Cristiano. As Sati shared, just at that time she was disappointed in her relationship with a man, but, despite this, the young man was able to interest the girl.

When Sati met the Italian she liked for the second time, she discovered how unusually he looked at the world. After a while, young people began to communicate using social networks, gradually getting to know each other from different sides. After numerous dates in real life, Stefano Tiozzo confessed his love to the famous artist and proposed marriage.

About a week ago, the famous singer celebrated her anniversary. On his chosen one’s 35th birthday, an Italian photographer flew to the Russian capital to congratulate the bride and sing her favorite song in Russian.

Wedding of Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo

According to the young bride, the upcoming wedding should take place in three stages. After the painting in the capital's registry office, Sati Casanova's wedding (the girl's photo is presented in the article) should take place in Italy - the homeland of her husband, where the most magnificent celebration will take place. After which the newlyweds plan to go to Kabardino-Balkaria, where the girl also wants to arrange a festive wedding ceremony to the delight of her family and friends. Sati Casanova and her groom chose rings for the wedding from the famous jeweler Daria Petrova, preferring jewelry with a family monogram inside.

At the festive ceremony, which will take place in the bride’s homeland, the young performer wants to wear outfits made in the national Circassian style. With such a request, the former soloist of “Factory” turned to a well-known designer in the Caucasus, Madina Saralp.

After the wedding, Sati Casanova and her husband are planning to go on a honeymoon. The couple chose the classic option - the Maldives, where the newlyweds plan to go and relax for a couple of weeks.

Meeting Artur Shachnev

Before the wedding with the Italian photographer, the famous singer had a serious relationship with businessman Arthur Shachnev, which should have ended in a wedding. The young people met on September 12, 2013, when the singer gave a concert at the White Clouds club, where Shachnev spent his free time in the company of his friends.

Sati made an indelible impression on Arthur during her performance, after which the young businessman hastened to make himself known. At that time, the young man was interested in martial arts and had a solid business. He was known for such projects as “Peter Pan”, “Notre Dame de Paris”. And also because he created Russia’s first commercial symphony orchestra and opened the “From Dusk Till Dawn” club.

Wedding of Sati Casanova and Arthur Shachnev

The girl began dating Arthur and gradually began to understand that this was exactly the man with whom she had dreamed of living her whole life. Six months later, the couple announced to their loved ones that their wedding would take place in May 2014. Sati Casanova dreamed of a secluded registration that would take place somewhere on the island. After which the famous artist wanted to continue the holiday in her homeland in the company of close and dear people in accordance with all traditions and accepted customs.

However, on the eve of the upcoming event, the popular singer broke off her engagement with the businessman and announced a break in relations. The star did not provide a specific reason for the separation. The only thing is that she pointed out that Arthur is a wonderful person, but, alas, they will not make an ideal married couple, since they are not created for each other.
